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metadata.revistascielo.dc.title: Análise estrutural do componente arbóreo de três áreas de cerrado em diferentes estádios de conservação no município de Três Marias, Minas Gerais, Brasil
metadata.revistascielo.dc.title.alternative: Structural analysis of the arboreal component of three areas of savannah in different stadiums of conservation, in Três Marias count, Minas Gerais state, Brazil
metadata.revistascielo.dc.creator: Santos, Rubens Manoel dos
Vieira, Fábio de Almeida
metadata.revistascielo.dc.subject: Estádio sucessional
Sucession stages
metadata.revistascielo.dc.publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) 26-Oct-2015
metadata.revistascielo.dc.identifier.citation: SANTOS, R. M. dos; VIEIRA, F. de A. Análise estrutural do componente arbóreo de três áreas de cerrado em diferentes estádios de conservação no município de Três Marias, Minas Gerais, Brasil. CERNE, v. 11, n. 4, p. 399-408, out./dez. 2005.
metadata.revistascielo.dc.description.abstract: This research analyzed the floristic and the arboreal community s component of three savannah fragments structure in different conservation stadium to observe if substitution of species exists, in agreement with the degree of the arboreal community s preservation, in Três Marias Count, Minas Gerais. In the three areas MA (18º 18 02 S and 45º 14 64 W), LI (18º 17 05 S and 45º 14 13 W) and TO (18º 12 46 S and 45º 14 43 W) were sampled 463 individuals, distributed into 63 species, 56 genera and 32 families, with prominence for the family Fabaceae with 13 species. The number of species sampled varied from 21 in MA, 29 in LI to 38 in TO. Of all the species sampled only four (6.5%) Qualea parviflora, Machaerium villosum, Magonia pubescens and Astronium fraxinifolium occurred in all the sampled areas. However, 39 species (63%) occurred in only one area. This is proven by DCA, where axis one synthesized 66% and the axis two synthesized 12% of data variation. This demonstrates the great substitution of species in elapsing of the succession stages, where LI and TO shared 14 (26.4%) of the 53 species sampled in these areas. LI and MA shared 5 species (11%) of the 46 species sampled in these two areas. TO and MA already shared 11 species (23%) of the 48 species sampled in these areas. These results demonstrate that, in spite of the long period of anthropic intervention, these areas are recovering their vegetal cover and maintaining the diversity characteristic of the biome where they are inserted.
metadata.revistascielo.dc.language: por
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