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Title: Biomass production and phosphorus use of forage grasses fertilized with two phosphorus sources
Other Titles: Produção de biomassa e utilização de fósforo por gramíneas forrageiras adubadas com duas fontes de fósforo
Keywords: Plants – Effect of phosphorus
Soils – Phosphorus content
Phosphate fertilizer
Plantas – Efeito do fósforo
Solos – Teor de fósforo
Adubação fosfatada
Issue Date: Mar-2009
Publisher: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo
Citation: RAMOS, S. J. et al. Biomass production and phosphorus use of forage grasses fertilized with two phosphorus sources. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Viçosa, MG, v. 33, n. 2, p. 335-343, Mar./Apr. 2009.
Abstract: A major constraint to agricultural production in acid soils of tropical regions is the low soil P availability, due to the high adsorption capacity, low P level in the source material and low efficiency of P uptake and use by most of the modern varieties grown commercially. This study was carried out to evaluate the biomass production and P use by forage grasses on two soils fertilized with two P sources of different solubility. Two experiments were carried out, one for each soil (Cambisol and Latosol), using pots filled with 4 dm3 soil in a completely randomized design and a 4 x 2 factorial scheme. The treatments consisted of a combination of four forage plants (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria brizantha, Pennisetum glaucum and Sorghum bicolor) with two P sources (Triple Superphosphate - TSP and Arad Reactive Phosphate - ARP), with four replications. The forage grasses were harvested at pre-flowering, when dry matter weight and P concentrations were measured. Based on the P concentration and dry matter production, the total P accumulation was calculated. With these data, the following indices were calculated: the P uptake efficiency of roots, P use efficiency, use efficiency of available P, use efficiency of applied P and agronomic efficiency. The use of the source with higher solubility (TSP) resulted, generally, in higher total dry matter and total P accumulation in the forage grasses, in both soils. For the less reactive source (ARP), the means found in the forage grasses, for use efficiency and efficient use of available P, were always higher when grown in Latosol, indicating favorable conditions for the solubility of ARP. The total dry matter of Brachiaria brizantha was generally higher, with low P uptake, accumulation and translocation, which indicated good P use efficiency for both P sources and soils. The forage plants differed in the P use potential, due to the sources of the applied P and of the soils used. Less than 10 % of the applied P was immobilized in the forage dry matter. Highest values were observed for TSP, but this was not reflected in a higher use efficiency of P from this source.
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