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Title: Perfil técnico e econômico da suinocultura do Vale do Piranga (Zona da Mata) Minas Gerais
Authors: Reis, Ricardo Pereira
Santos, Antônio Carlos dos
Fialho, Elias Tadeu
Keywords: Suíno - criação
Agricultural industries
Administração rural
Farm management
Issue Date: 10-Sep-2015
Citation: SALGADO, J. M. Perfil técnico e econômico da suinocultura do Vale do Piranga (Zona da Mata) Minas Gerais. 2002. 82 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2002.
Abstract: The object of this study was to evaluate pig culture in Piranga Valley (Zona da Mata) in Minas Gerais in 2001 techinically and economically. Specifically, it was inteded to characterize the administrative and technological profile of the pigculture in the áreaunderstudy, to esteem thecosts ofproduction of the small farm in study in the Piranga Valley (Zona da Mata) of Minas Gerais; to verify the effíciency in the use of avaliable productive resources in small farm and to evaluate its competitive capacity; and, to simulate sceneries for different hypotheses in small farm. For its characterization in Piranga Valley, a survey was performed with the producers. In this área pig culture presents high technical features and effíciency in a confined production system. However, part of the producers in this region don't have business point of view and rational techinical resources control, especially the financial ones. An analysis was done to verify the relation between the variables under study. In order to reach the other specific objectives, a case was studied on a small farm in the área. The costs and their operational and economical results were indentified in 2001. The analysis showed that the economical situation of the small farm was one of decapitalization, and the operational situation had positive residue. Afterwards, simulations were done in several diferents sceneries of small farm in study. It was found out that the producers can improve both their zootechnical levei and their costs in order to reach better results. The costs are essential for the pig culture to reach higher competitiveness.
Appears in Collections:Administração - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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