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Title: Práticas de assistência técnica em dois projetos de assentamento rural no Noroeste de Minas Gerais
Authors: Amâncio, Robson
Alencar, Edgard
Gomes, Marcos Affonso Ortiz
Keywords: Reforma agrária
Agrarian reform
Assistência técnica
Technical assistance
Extensão rural
Rural extension
Sociologia rural
Rural sociology
Issue Date: 2-Sep-2015
Citation: FREDERICO, O. L. Práticas de assistência técnica em dois projetos de assentamento rural no Noroeste de Minas Gerais. 2001. 146 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração Rural) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2001.
Abstract: The present dissertation aimed to evaluete and compare the working practices oftwo "Rural Technical Assistance" (RTA) providers, in two farmer placement projects ofland reform in the North Western Minas Gerais and its effects upon the personal satisfaction and income generation ofthose family farmers. To carry this out, a type ofqualitative methodology was used: the case study, in a multi-case type. Were interviewed: people placed in both placement projects (Mamoneiras and Aliança e Progresso), technicians ofthe involved organizations (EMATER ofNatalândia and Cáritas Diocesana de Paracatu), besides the INCRA supervisors who worked in the "Lumiar Project", also data/about the milk trade four March though July 2001, from both placement projects; the techniques used in the interviews were "semi-structured" and "focused-interview". The information's collected showed that the placed farmers who had the Cáritas assistance, received the RTA with "participatory conception", on the other hand, those who had EMATER's assistance received a RTA guided by a 'tutorial conception"; the first group had better results than the second group, in turns ofincome generation and personal satisfaction. Since it's a case study, it was not aimed to take defínitive conclusions, but to provide information to otherscientific studies which have as objective the evaluation of RTA methodologies used in land reform, to guide the actions of those organizations which might workinthis área.
Appears in Collections:Administração - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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