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Title: Agile practices: an assessment of perception of value of professionals on the quality criteria in performance of projects
Keywords: Agile methodologies
Agile practices
Perception of value
Software engineering
Factor analysis
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: SANTOS, M. de A. et al. Agile practices: an assessment of perception of value of professionals on the quality criteria in performance of projects. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 12, p. 700-709, Dec. 2011.
Abstract: Deliver high quality software in accordance with deadlines has become a major challenge for the software industry and more organizations adopt agile practices as a mean to achieve quality in their products. This paper analyzes, through a survey, the perception of software professionals, working in different fronts of the development process, the relationship between the use of agile practices and quality of software products. The result shows agile practices that can contribute to quality in three aspects: bigger involvement of the staff, agile management of the requirements proposed and code developed.
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