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Título: Desglobalização e reconfiguração das cadeias de valor globais
Título(s) alternativo(s): Deglobalization and reconfiguration of global value chains
Autores: Calegario, Cristina Lelis Leal
Alcântara, Juciara Nunes de
Campos, Renato Silvério
Pinto, Cláudia Sofia Frias
Ferreira, Manuel Anibal Silva Portugal Vasconcelos
Avrichir, Ilan
Carvalho, Francisval de Melo
Palavras-chave: Upgrading
Regressão Shift-Share
Shift-Share Regression
Data do documento: 18-Mar-2025
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: QUERINO, Fabiane Fidelis. Desglobalização e reconfiguração das cadeias de valor globais. 2025. 195 p. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2025.
Resumo: The general objective of this thesis is to analyze how deglobalization affects the configuration, structural and strategic governance, and the promotion of upgrading in the global value chain (GVC), based on the theories of internalization and transaction costs. To achieve this objective, the study was divided into three specific objectives, which were addressed through empirical articles. The first article analyzes the impact of structural and technological conditions on the configuration of GVCs, considering the moderating effect of political factors in each country. A two-level hierarchical regression model was used for this purpose. The results indicated that logistics infrastructure and innovation developed in the home countries are factors contributing to reshoring. Regarding the moderating effects, the results showed that protectionism acted as a moderator in conjunction with innovation, intensifying reshoring. On the other hand, national security restrictions moderated labor quality and innovation, affecting the configuration of GVCs. The second article analyzed the effect of ownership control, investment location, and network structure—components of structural governance—on promoting upgrading and, consequently, increasing the productivity of Brazilian industrial sectors in the context of deglobalization. Two methods were applied: the first was Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), followed by a shift-share regression model. The results indicated that, out of the 110 Brazilian industrial sectors analyzed, 32 were able to increase productivity and, consequently, promote upgrading. Furthermore, it was confirmed that, in the Brazilian context, ownership control and network structure functioned as drivers of productivity and, consequently, upgrading in Brazilian sectors. Finally, the third article demonstrated how multinational enterprises (MNEs) and locally owned enterprises (LOEs) have adjusted elements of strategic governance, including knowledge transfer, value creation, and upgrading promotion, to operate within global value chains (GVCs). The article employed a descriptive analysis, with interviews conducted with 10 managers from mining companies. The results showed that most LOE managers recognized the advantages of collaborating with MNEs, especially regarding participation in GVCs, with an emphasis on knowledge and technology transfer. However, the impact of this partnership on value creation and upgrading promotion was moderate, due to the need for continuous changes and adaptations by LOEs to fully leverage the benefits. Furthermore, it was observed that Brazilian mining companies have limitedly explored strategic governance principles, which could undermine their competitiveness in an increasingly dynamic global scenario. Overall, this research contributes to the literature on governance and its mechanisms in efficiently conducting international transactions, considering emerging market analyses, such as Brazil, and its increasing participation in GVCs in the context of deglobalization. The study offers guidance for managers and policymakers, aiming to promote greater integration of Brazilian industries into GVCs.
Descrição: Arquivo retido, a pedido da autora, até fevereiro de 2026.
Aparece nas coleções:Administração - Doutorado (Teses)

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