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Título: Isolamento social na pandemia da COVID-19 e a competência motora de crianças
Título(s) alternativo(s): Isolation in the Covid-19 pandemic and children’s motor competence
Autores: Bruzi, Alessandro Teodoro
Azevedo, Kleber Tuxen Carneiro
Albuquerque, Maicon Rodrigues
Palavras-chave: Crise sanitária da covid-19
Isolamento social
Aulas remotas
Educação física escolar
Competência motora
Covid-19 health crisis
Social isolation
Remote classes
School physical education
Motor competence
Data do documento: 13-Mar-2025
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: Arnhold, Ana Luiza Carvalho. Isolamento social na pandemia da COVID-19 e a competência motora de crianças. 111 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2025.
Resumo: This research has the motor development of school-age children as its theme, specifically those in the early years of Elementary School, delimiting itself in the impacts on motor competence, caused by the social isolation imposed by the Covid-19 health crisis, a period in which these subjects they were outside the school environment and, consequently, deprived of Physical Education classes. The general objective was to evaluate the impacts of social isolation on the motor development of children, post-pandemic period. The specific objectives were: to compare the levels of motor competence of these students; retrospectively analyze the understanding of teachers’ pedagogical practice; analyze the parents' perspective on the practice of motor activities and participation in classes; prepare a proposal for a motor intervention plan with suggestions for physical activity practices to develop motor skills in School Physical Education classes. This is research with some case study elements, with a quantitative - qualitative approach and an exploratory-descriptive nature. The sample was made up of 3 Physical Education teachers, 86 Elementary School students (initial years) and 86 parents of these students. Data collection was carried out through interviews with a semi-structured script, application of a questionnaire and the TGMD-3 test to standardize motor skills. The results confirmed the negative impact of Covid-19 isolation on motor competence, as well as differences in the levels of motor competence of children between public and private schools, in addition to variations according to the sex and age of the children. These results highlight the importance of a focus on School Physical Education, especially in times of crisis, to ensure that children can develop their motor skills appropriately.
Descrição: Arquivo retido, a pedido da autora, até fevereiro de 2026.
Aparece nas coleções:BU - Teses e Dissertações

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