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Título: Variações de peso corporal durante a pandemia de Covid-19: estudo longitudinal
Título(s) alternativo(s): Body weight variations during the Covid-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study
Autores: Ferreira, Lívia Garcia
Liboredo, Juliana Costa
Ferreira, Lívia Garcia
Pena, Geórgia das Graças
Machado, Ísis Eloah
Palavras-chave: Alterações do peso corporal
Hábitos alimentares
Body weight changes
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-2023
Dietary habits
Data do documento: 12-Fev-2025
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: DANIEL, Marina Martins. Variações de peso corporal durante a pandemia de Covid-19: estudo longitudinal. 2025. 39 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Nutrição) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Resumo: Evaluating changes in lifestyle and dietary habits, eating behavior, and stress during the pandemic period according to weight variations is relevant for determining actions in response to this scenario. The objectives of this study were: i) to investigate the incidence and predictors of weight gain during the quarantine period; ii) to analyze longitudinally the weight variations and habit changes over 8 to 9 months of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was conducted via an online questionnaire in two phases: T1 - August-September 2020, with the collection of pre-pandemic data (T0); T2 - May-June 2021. Weight gain was assessed based on pre-pandemic habitual weight and current weight, classifying participants as having gained weight if the difference was positive. In the second phase, participants were categorized into “lost weight,” “maintained,” “gained up to 2.4kg,” and “gained ≥2.5kg” groups, and were evaluated longitudinally in terms of lifestyle habits, food consumption, and perceived stress. A total of 1,334 Brazilians participated in the first phase, with 58.8% gaining weight (3.0 kg; 0.1 to 30.0 kg), and predictors of weight gain including increased food intake, snacks, fast food, canned products, work time (including household activities), late-night snacks, higher alcohol consumption, and uncontrolled eating. In the second phase, 453 Brazilians participated: 23.6% “lost” weight, 18.1% “maintained,” 26.0% “gained up to 2.4kg,” and 32.2% “gained ≥2.5kg.” During the pandemic, the “lost weight” group continued to lose weight, reduced food intake, and increased perceived stress. The “gained up to 2.4kg” group reduced food intake, snacking, meal preparation, candy consumption, and reported higher stress in T2. The “gained ≥2.5kg” group increased food intake, snacking, meal preparation, consumption of hamburgers, canned products, sugary drinks, instant meals and snacks, candy, and fast food in T1, reducing all these behaviors in T2. Physical activity decreased in T1 but increased in T2, and the group also reduced uncontrolled and emotional eating in T2. The pandemic directly affected lifestyle and eating habits. Although initially impacted differently by weight changes, participants tended to return to pre-pandemic habits, especially those who gained weight.
Aparece nas coleções:Nutrição e Saúde - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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