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Título: Gestão das águas minerais de Cambuquira – MG: uma abordagem policêntrica
Título(s) alternativo(s): Management of mineral waters in Cambuquira – MG: a polycentric approach
Autores: Pereira, José Roberto
Vaccaro, Stefania Becattini
Cabral, Eloisa Elena de Souza
Portugal Júnior, Pedro
Ferreira, Patrícia Aparecida
Palavras-chave: Água mineral
Gestão policêntrica
Mineral water
Data do documento: 13-Nov-2024
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: MACHADO, Nélida Reis Caseca. Gestão das águas minerais de Cambuquira – MG: uma abordagem policêntrica. 2024. 204 p. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2024.
Resumo: The main objective of this thesis is to understand how Elinor Ostrom’s principles of self- organization and multi-scale ownership, within a polycentricity context, contribute to the management of Cambuquira’s mineral water in Minas Gerais. This study takes into account the complexity of the multiple actors involved, governance practices, and the challenges associated with the various uses of mineral water. The research is justified by the importance of mineral water as a renewable natural resource that is essential to life, economically valuable, and yet vulnerable to depletion. The reseah question is: How are the mineral waters of Cambuquira (MG) managed, considering polycentrism and the dynamics of ownership at various scales, governance practices and the challenges related to the various uses of mineral water? This analysis, grounded in Ostrom’s paradigm, aims to rethink the exploitation of mineral water, as the Commons theory offer elements for equitable access to the resource, valuing local knowledge and preventing resource collapse. The normative and factual structure of Cambuquira;s mineral water management was identified and described in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 discusses Elinor Ostrom’s Commons theory, presenting the principles of analysis, polycentricity and the elements that facilitate collective action and polycentric management. Cambuquira was selected as the locus of this research and the case study due to the complexity of the phenomenon, involving multiple actors and dimensions, and the fact that mineral water is the target of disputes between private, public, and community interests. The research, qualitative in nature, was based on bibliographical research and interviews. Interviewees were initially selected for their direct or indirect involvement with mineral water, with further participants included using the snowball sampling technique. A total of fifteen people were interviewed, eight men and seven women. Using Nvivo software (versions 10 and 14), coding techniques helped develop the final data categories, as detailed in Chapter 4. The results, assessed through content analysis, indicated the viability of polycentric management, as some essential elements were present, although some partially, confirming it as a suitable solution, as presented in chapter 5. At the same time, there have been movements in Brazil to understand natural resources, including water, from different perspectives, such as Human Rights, Rights of Nature and Diffuse Rights, an understanding that also emerged in the interviews. Recently, Cambuquira’s municipal government passed legislation recognizing the Healing Carbogasous Water Aquifer of the Water Circuit as a specially protected subject of rights, in line with the Rights of Nature perspective. While this perspective differs from that used in this thesis, there may be potential for dialogue between the theories, as both share the need to include the community in decision-making. Considering the impermanence of social relations, Cambuquira continues to protect its waters and may even do so under the guidance of the Commons, sinceafter including the community in decisions, a new dialog and interlocution with Elinor Ostrom’s design principles can be envisaged.
Aparece nas coleções:Administração - Doutorado (Teses)

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