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dc.creatorPinto, Hudson A.-
dc.creatorMati, Vitor L.T.-
dc.creatorMelo, Alan L.-
dc.creatorBrant, Sara V.-
dc.identifier.citationPINTO, Hudson A.; MATI, Vitor L.T.; MELO, Alan L.; BRANT, Sara V. A putative new genus of avian schistosome transmitted by Biomphalaria straminea (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Brazil, with a discussion on the potential involvement in human cercarial dermatitis. Parasitology International, Amsterdã, v. 90, p. 102607, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 out. 2024.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractHuman cercarial dermatitis (HCD) caused by avian schistosomes is an emerging health issue in different parts of the world. Nevertheless, parasite diversity, life cycle, and involvement in HCD remain poorly known or neglected in South America. Herein, we reported data obtained during a long-term malacological survey carried out in Pampulha Reservoir, an urban eutrophic waterbody from Brazil between 2009 and 2012. An ocellate brevifurcate cercaria emerged from 55 of 16,235 (0.34%) specimens of Biomphalaria straminea. Samples of the cercariae were subjected to morphological, experimental, and molecular study (analysis of partial sequences of nuclear 28S and mitochondrial cox1 genes). The molecular analysis revealed that the larva corresponds to an avian schistosome; however, it does not correspond to any named genus. A close related isolate was previously reported in Biomphalaria sudanica from Kenya (molecular divergences of 0.54% and 9.62% for 28S and cox1, respectively). The morphology of this cercaria was compared with other avian schistosome larvae from Biomphalaria spp. Attempts to infect experimentally ducks (Cairina moschata) and mice revealed cutaneous manifestations after exposure to cercariae, but adult parasites were not obtained in these hosts. Phylogenetic analysis suggests this parasite is a putative new genus and species of avian schistosome. The potential involvement of the larvae herein described in cases of HCD in Brazil cannot be ruled out. Surprisingly, HCD was not reported in the country so far, which can be related to difficulties in its diagnosis in areas of overlap with human schistosomes.pt_BR
dc.publisherElsevier B.V.pt_BR
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceParasitology Internationalpt_BR
dc.subjectDermatite cercarianapt_BR
dc.subjectEsquistossomo aviáriopt_BR
dc.subjectReservatório urbanopt_BR
dc.subjectBiomphalaria stramineapt_BR
dc.subjectParasitologia molecularpt_BR
dc.subjectCercarial dermatitispt_BR
dc.subjectAvian schistosomept_BR
dc.subjectUrban reservoirpt_BR
dc.subjectMolecular parasitologypt_BR
dc.titleA putative new genus of avian schistosome transmitted by Biomphalaria straminea (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Brazil, with a discussion on the potential involvement in human cercarial dermatitispt_BR
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