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Title: Produção de compósitos fibrocimentos utilizando como reforço partículas de madeira de Erytrhyna poeppigiana.
Other Titles: Production of Fiber Cement Composites Using Erythrina Poeppigiana Wood Particles as Reinforcement
Authors: Mendes, Lourival Marin
Guimarães Junior, José Benedito
Silva, Cinthia Aparecida
Arantes, Lorran de Sousa
Keywords: Material lignocelulósico
Sulfato de alumínio
Erythrina poeppigiana
Compósitos cimentícios
Carbonatação acelerada
Lignocellulosic Material
Aluminum Sulfate
Cementitious Composites
Fiber cement
Accelerated carbonation
Issue Date: 2-Oct-2024
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: ASSANE, Lúcia Maria Joaquim. Produção de compósitos fibrocimentos utilizando como reforço partículas de madeira de Erytrhyna poeppigiana. 2024. 53 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia da Madeira) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Abstract: The use of lignocellulosic materials such as reinforcement in cementitious composites is a widelyexploitedareaof research,aimingtoimprovethemechanicaland functionalproperties of them. However despite significant advances in this area, there are still knowledge gaps in relation to certain lignocellulosic materials that have the potential to be used as a reinforcement. An exampleofthis is Eritrhyna, a forest specieswith promising properties that have not yet been investigated in its application as a reinforcement in composite materials. In this context, the aim of that study will be to evaluate the performance of Erythrina poepigiana particles treated with aluminum sulfate in cementitious composites undergoing accelerated carbonation. Particles went through a controlled mineralization process with 9% Al2(SO4)3. For the production of the fibromentes Portland CPV-ARI cement, agricultural limestone, 5% particles, in addition to additives: (HPMC) and (ADVA) were used. Proof bodies were produced by the extrusion process. After 3 days of healing fibroments were subjected to accelerated carbonation for a period of 24h. Fibration were characterized for physical properties (apparent density, water absorption, and apparent porosity) and mechanical(display module, elastic modulus and tenacity) in static flexion after 28 days of curing. Analyzes (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were addressed to verify the interaction between constituent materials. The results obtained showed that aluminumsulphate treatment improved the matrix/particle interface. It increased the apparent density, decreased porosity, water absorption, there was an increase in the values of MOE, MOR, and Tenacity,theimagesoftheSEMprovedthephysicalresults.Significantstatisticaldifferences for the physical and mechanical properties were not presented.
Appears in Collections:Ciência e Tecnologia da Madeira - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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