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Title: Ações afirmativas, cotas e assistência estudantil: diagnóstico e proposta de monitoramento na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Other Titles: Affirmative actions, quotas and student assistance: diagnosis and proposal for monitoring at the Federal University of Lavras
Authors: Kalsing, Vera Simone Schaefer
Souza, Gasperim Ramalho de
Almeida, Helga do Nascimento de
Silva, Wânia Rezende
Keywords: Ações afirmativas
Cotas raciais
Assistência estudantil
Política de cotas
Educação inclusiva
Permanência estudantil
Desigualdade racial
Affirmative actions
Racial quotas
Student assistance
Quota policy
Inclusive education
Student retention
Racial inequality
Issue Date: 24-Sep-2024
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: CAMPOS, Flávia Morais. Ações afirmativas, cotas e assistência estudantil: diagnóstico e proposta de monitoramento na Universidade Federal de Lavras. 2024. 60 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Extensão) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Abstract: To address the severe inequality in access to higher education in Brazil, which is the result of centuries of racism and racial segregation disguised as a racial democracy, the quota policy for black, mixed-race, and Indigenous students (PPI in Portuguese) has been seen as a significant step forward in terms of social transformation and, to a certain extent, overcoming racial discrimination. The general objective of this study is to identify the presence of students admitted through Group 1 of the PPI Quota (candidates who self-declare as black, mixed-race, or Indigenous, with a gross family income per capita equal to or less than 1.5 minimum wages, and who have completed their entire high school education in public schools) at the Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), seeking to understand how this group fits into the institution's student assistance program. As specific objectives, we intend to conduct a brief theoretical discussion on affirmative action, PPI quotas, student assistance, and retention in higher education, identify factors present among the groups of students included in the university's student assistance program, capable of impacting the retention of these students in the institution, and indicate the possibilities of actions to face the difficulties identified, contributing with subsidies that serve the institutional policy of student assistance. The central question to be answered is: to what extent are PPI quota students from Group 1 included in the university's Student Assistance program compared to the other groups assisted by the institution's programs and services? The theoretical references supporting this work’s construction consist of racism and concepts such as colonialism and racial Eurocentrism, presented as crucial elements for addressing the issue of racial quotas in universities. Based on secondary data obtained from the university's Integrated Management System (SIG in Portuguese), we conducted a quantitative and qualitative study that sought to identify the presence of PPI students at the institution according to program, income, gender, municipality of origin, academic performance index, and benefits accessed. Finally, we suggest monitoring student assistance through an ongoing assessment instrument.
Appears in Collections:Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Extensão - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertação)

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