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Title: Em busca da formação de intelectuais críticos na docência: uma pesquisa participativa no ensino de Biologia no contexto pandêmico
Other Titles: Pursuit of training critical intellectuals in teaching: a participatory research in Biology teaching in the pandemic context
Authors: Festozo, Marina Battistetti
Festozo, Marina Battistetti
Neder, Marco Antonio Villarta
Agudo, Marcela de Moraes
Keywords: Análise dialógica do discurso
Estágio supervisionado
Pedagogia histórico-crítica
Dialogic discourse analysis
Supervised internship
Historical-critical pedagogy
Issue Date: 16-Apr-2024
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: ROHLFS, I. A. C. Em busca da formação de intelectuais críticos na docência: uma pesquisa participativa no ensino de Biologia no contexto pandêmico. 2023. 119 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Científica e Ambiental)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Abstract: This dissertation work proposes to investigate teacher training from the relationship between Supervised Internship and research activity, guided by a historical-critical perspective of Education. To this end, a teacher training process that took place between August 2021 and February 2022 within the scope of the discipline “Supervised Internship III” of the degree course in Biological Sciences at a federal university in the south of Minas Gerais is analyzed. That was a period marked by the abrupt changes that had been taking place in the Brazilian educational reality, both in Basic Education and in Higher Education, especially due to the need for social isolation resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, which ended up replacing face-to- face teaching. for emergency remote teaching. The meetings of the “Supervised Internship III” class were taking place remotely through videoconferences, in weekly meetings lasting approximately one hour and fifty minutes. The meetings were all recorded and form part of the corpus of this work, as well as the written work carried out by the student body of the internship. From this analysis, we try to answer how the collective research activity is articulated with the training of interns in the perspective of critical-reflective training, and if through it it was possible to establish a greater approximation and understanding of the school reality in this context. Dialectical-historical materialism (MHD) is the basis of our theoretical- methodological framework, as we assume Dialogical Discourse Analysis (DDA) as our path to understanding and interpreting reality, based on the contributions of the Bakhtin Circle, Medvedev and Voloshinov that brought a dialectical approach to understanding enunciative chains. The MHD is also the axis and support of the pedagogical theory on which we are based, the Historical-Critical Pedagogy (PHC), which stands as a pedagogical theory that aims to articulate the school with the interests of the working class. Based on the analysis of the teacher training process of the “Supervised Internship III” and the collective research activity carried out, we discuss the statements that emerged in this process, bringing to discussion the issue of “precariousness of teaching work” in view of the current educational policies based on the pedagogy of competences and the challenges imposed for the formation of the “Teacher as a critical-reflexive intellectual”. In this sense, we observed how the collective research contributed to the understanding of this unique moment of Biology teaching in schools in the pandemic context, in which there was an intensification of teaching work and consequent loss of autonomy of teachers in their practices, accentuating the effects of the project of ongoing neoliberal education, guided by the BNCC, assisted in Basic Education and in teacher training courses in a perspective directed at the interests of the bourgeois class, in particular the education business community.
Appears in Collections:Educação Científica e Ambiental - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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