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Título: Diálogos entre a pedagogia da terra e a astrobiologia: uma proposta e contribuição para a formação continuada de professores de Ciências
Título(s) alternativo(s): Dialogues between earth pedagogy and astrobiology: a proposal and contribution to the continuing education of science teachers
Autores: Vera, José Alberto Casto Nogales
Rosso, Karen Luz Burgoa
Silva, Paulo Ricardo da
Martins, Laysa Gonçalves
Palavras-chave: Pedagogia da Terra
Formação continuada de professores
Ensino de Ciências
Earth pedagogy
Continuing teacher training
Science teaching
Data do documento: 20-Mar-2024
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: OLIVEIRA, V. C. G. de. Diálogos entre a pedagogia da terra e a astrobiologia: uma proposta e contribuição para a formação continuada de professores de Ciências. 2024. 188 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Científica e Ambiental)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Resumo: Contemporary society is facing an unprecedented environmental and humanitarian crisis as a result of anthropogenic actions and the way in which modernity, based on Cartesianism and capitalism as producers of a utilitarian culture, has shaped and dichotomized the human- nature relationship.This is expressed in the current challenges for maintaining life on Earth, which reflect the complexity and interrelationship between the planet, its biodiversity and the cosmos. In this sense, many scholars have argued that paradigms need to be broken, from Cartesian to Complexity, which would profoundly change the way humanity understands and interacts with nature. Such a profound change necessarily involves educational processes, starting with teacher training. However, in order to achieve this demand and take on Complexity as a guide for educational processes, we need to overcome the models of banking education in the country and invest in training subjects who are critical of their realities, aware of their ecological roles and capable of building a new human ethic on the planet. Given this scenario, this study proposes the articulation of knowledge from Astrobiology, which is aimed at understanding life on Earth and beyond, whose studies have shown its potential as a generating theme for science teaching processes, to a biocentric educational model, built on the principles of Complexity (valuing inter/transdisciplinarity), sustainability and the inseparability between humanity, the planet and the Cosmos: the Pedagogy of the Earth. The aim of the study is to investigate the contributions of the dialogues, their approximations and distancing, between these knowledges in the continuing education of teachers who work in science teaching, emphasizing the potential of the associations in generating environmentally sustainable human values. The event was attended by 80 people, including teachers in continuing education and undergraduate students from a wide range of fields. In the end, 33 teachers volunteered to take part in the research. Based on what Tozzoni- Reis (2009) proposes as the foundations for research into environmental education, we used the questionnaires as a method of constituting the research corpus and, subsequently, content analysis, as proposed by Bardin (2016) and guidelines from Moraes (1999) and Minayo et al., (2016) for analyzing and discussing the data produced. The analysis was carried out in topics and the categories proposed a posteriori. The results showed that the dialog between Astrobiology and Ecopedagogy in teacher training and science teaching is very promising and rhizomatic. Throughout this journey of data analysis, we have noticed how Astrobiology "touches" on issues of the most diverse types of human knowledge, science, philosophy and even traditions. Therefore, taking on Astrobiology as a guideline for an approach to pedagogy that recovers decolonial elements, such as Earth Pedagogy, could be an interesting way to dismantle the roots of a utilitarian culture, the distancing between humans and nature/cosmos, hegemonic expressions and domination at school and the promotion of inter/transdisciplinary educational practices.
Aparece nas coleções:Educação Científica e Ambiental - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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