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Título: Produção do conhecimento sobre estética organizacional: uma abordagem interpretativa
Título(s) alternativo(s): Production of knowledge about organizational aesthetics: an interpretative approach
Autores: Brito, Mozar José de
Bispo, Marcelo de Souza
Brito, Mozar José de
Bispo, Marcelo de Souza
Morais, César Augusto Tureta de
Amaro, Rubens de Araújo
Pinheiro, Daniel Calbino
Tonelli, Dany Flávio
Palavras-chave: Estética organizacional
Estudos organizacionais
Pesquisa estética
Campo de estudo
Papel do pesquisador
Organizational aesthetics
Organizational studies
Aesthetic research
Field of study
Researcher's role
Data do documento: 26-Dez-2023
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: ANJO, J. E. da S. Produção do conhecimento sobre estética organizacional: uma abordagem interpretativa. 2023. 139 p. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Resumo: This thesis has the general objective of investigating and understanding the construction of the Organizational Aesthetics approach as a research field in Organizational Studies. In the proposed theoretical path, this study explores the Organizational Aesthetics approach in EOR, in which the concepts, theoretical and methodological perspectives of Practice-Based Studies are contemplated. To fulfill this objective, the ontological foundations of constructionist-realist are used and a qualitative methodological approach is used to carry out an integrative review (1992-2021) for the analysis of the construction and advancement of the aesthetic approach. Then, I present a narrative of researchers from the Brazilian EOR who carried out field research in the approach of organizational aesthetics. It considers the construction of the field and how it contributes to the understanding of organizational daily life and to organizational researchers. By bringing the researcher to the analysis of the aesthetic dimension, demonstrating how aesthetic research is proposed in evidence, and not on the sidelines, or much less denying its subjectivity in the face of uninvestigated rationality.
Aparece nas coleções:Administração - Doutorado (Teses)

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