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Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 21 para 40 de 1926
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
18-Ago-2022Experimental study of clinker grinding in a ball mill and the behavior of the grinding media inside the equipment using DEMSantos, Amanda Aparecida de Lima; Machado, Amanda Cristina Gomes; Nascimento, Suellen Mendonça
15-Ago-2022Self-healing of slag-cement ultra-high performance steel fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) containing sisal fibers as healing conveyorMoreira, Tamara Nunes da C.; Krelani, Visar; Ferreira, Saulo Rocha; Ferrara, Liberato; Toledo Filho, Romildo Dias
Out-2023Surface modification of cellulosic nanofibrils by spray drying: drying yield and microstructural, thermal and chemical characterizationSetter, Carine; Mascarenhas, Adriano Reis Prazeres; Dias, Matheus Cordazzo; Meira, Ana Cristina Freitas de Oliveira; Carvalho, Nayara Tamires da Silva; Lorenço, Mário Sérgio; Martins, Maria Alice; Tonoli, Gustavo Henrique Denzin; Oliveira, Tiago José Pires de
Jul-2023Effect of different pre-treatments on the redispersion capacity of spray-dried microfibrillated cellulose: elaboration and characterization of biofilmsSetter, Carine; Dias, Matheus Cordazzo; Mascarenhas, Adriano Reis Prazeres; Tonoli, Gustavo Henrique Denzin; Oliveira, Tiago José Pires de
2023Online adaptive parameter estimation of a finite control set model predictive controlled hybrid active power filterFerreira, Silvia Costa; Foster, João Gabriel Luppi; Gonzatti, Robson Bauwelz; Pereira, Rondineli Rodrigues; Pinheiro, Guilherme Gonçalves; Guimarães, Bruno P. Braga
2023Effect of cellulose micro/nanofibrils and carboxylated styrene butadiene rubber coating on sack kraft paperHugen, Lisiane Nunes; Miranda, Eduardo Hélio de Novais; Santos, Allan de Amorim dos; Lago, Rafael Carvalho do; Silva, Luiz Eduardo; Tonoli, Gustavo Henrique Denzin; Ferreira, Saulo Rocha
2023Deterministic and probabilistic modeling of microbiological quality using the QUAL-UFMG: a water resource management tool applied on the slope waters of the Grande River, BrazilGomides, Clécio Eustáquio; Matos, Mateus Pimentel de; Fia, Ronaldo; Fonseca, Alysson Rodrigo
20233D reconstruction system by means of unique camera, structured light and mathematical modelsRibeiro, Elisangela; Rivera, Fernando Pujaico; Barreto, Batista Barreto; Braga Junior, Roberto Alves; Barbosa, Marco Antônio
2023Physiological and behavioural parameters of broiler chicks grown under different heating systemsFerraz, Patrícia Ferreira Ponciano; Andrade, E. T.; Vilas Boas, R. B.; Yanagi Junior, Tadayuki; Andrade, R. R.; Becciolini, V.; Barbari, M.
2023FEM modal analysis of a garlic harvester for varying geomorphologiesOjeda, Elka Carolina; Reis, Ângelo Vieira dos; Medeiros, Fabricio Ardais; Marques, Leomar Santos; Machado, Roberto Lilles Tavares; Magalhães, Ricardo Rodrigues; Saavedra, Gianna de la Tinidad; Zanchin, Mayara
Ago-2023Study on the feasibility of partial replacement of cement with IOT in extruded concrete roof tiles productionEugênio, Tony Matheus Carvalho; Narciso, Carolina Rezende Pinto; Oliveira, Fernando Fonseca de; Fagundes, Jefferson Francisco; Mendes, Rafael Farinassi
Nov-2022Compost dairy barn layout and management recommendations in kentucky: a descriptive studyDamasceno, Flávio Alves; Day, George B.; Taraba, Joseph L.; Oliveira, Carlos Eduardo Alves; Andrade, Rafaella Resende; Frigeri, Karen Dal Magro; Vieira, Frederico Márcio Corrêa; Barbari, Matteo; Bambi, Gianluca
Set-2022Determination of thermal, chemical and physical properties of bedding materials for compost dairy barnsDamasceno, Flávio Alves; Day, George B.; Taraba, Joseph L.; Barbari, Matteo; Oliveira, Carlos Eduardo Alves; Frigeri, Karen Dal Magro; Vieira, Frederico Márcio Corrêa; Bambi, Gianluca
Set-2022Low-Cost Real-Time PPP GNSS Aided INS for CAV ApplicationsRahman, Farzana; Silva, Felipe Oliveira e; Jiang, Zeyi; Farrell, Jay A.
Nov-2022Inertial Measurement Unit Error Modeling Tutorial: Inertial Navigation System State Estimation with Real-Time Sensor CalibrationFarrell, Jay A.; Silva, Felipe Oliveira e; Rahman, Farzana; Wendel, Jan
2023Potassium adsorption on substrates formulated with vermiculite and peatLeal, Bruno de Paula; Thebaldi, Michael Silveira; Silva, Yasmin Fernandes; Pinto, Pâmela Rafanele França; Martins, Ivani Pose; Sales, Ronan Souza
Set-2023Synthesis and properties of alkali-activated iron ore tailings blended with metakaolinSilva, Keoma Defáveri do Carmo e; Alvarenga, Henrique Barbosa Andrade; Rocha, Saulo Ferreira; Peixoto, Ricardo André Fiorotti; Brigolini, Guilherme Jorge Silva
2023Valorization of recycled plastic in the production of biocomposites reinforced with residues from the cotton agroindustryAraujo, Elesandra da Silva; Oliveira, M. R. R. de; Carvalho, B. F. de; Scatolino, Mário Vanoli; Mendes, Lourival Marin; Guimarães Junior, José Benedito
Out-2023Production and characterization of recycled low-density polyethylene/amazon palm fiber compositesGomes, Diogo Antonio Correa; Miranda, Eduardo Hélio de Novais; Veloso, Maria Cecillia Ramos de Araújo; Silva, Marcela Gomes da; Ferreira, Gracialda Costa; Mendes, Lourival Marin; Guimarães Júnior, José Benedito
2023Evaluation of bean residues in the production of agglomerated panelsMiranda, Eduardo Hélio de Novais; Gomes, Diogo Antonio Correa; Furtini, Ana Carolina Corrêa; Villarruel, Denisse Concepción Vega; Santos, Carolina Aparecida dos; Mendes, Lourival Marin; Guimarães Júnior, José Benedito
Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 21 para 40 de 1926