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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1926
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Analysis of heat and mass transfer in compost-bedded pack barns for dairy cows using computational fluid dynamics: a reviewOliveira, Carlos Eduardo Alves; Tinôco, Ilda de Fátima Ferreira; Sousa, Fernanda Campos de; Damasceno, Flávio Alves; Andrade, Rafaella Resende; Maciel, Fabiane de Fátima; Barbari, Matteo; Martins, Márcio Arêdes
2023Air pollution trends and exceedances: ozone and particulate matter outlook in Brazilian highly urbanized zonesBoari, Arthur; Pedruzzi, Rizzieri; Vieira-Filho, Marcelo
2023Agroclimatic zoning of arabica coffee crops in the region of Lavras, Minas Gerais, BrazilCarvalho Junior, Flavio Vanoni de; Alves, Marcelo de Carvalho; Carvalho, Luiz Gonsaga de; Silva, Bruna Dias
Jul-2023Acute coronavirus infection triggers a TNF-dependent osteoporotic phenotype in miceQueiroz-Junior, Celso M.; Santos, Anna C. P. M.; Gonçalves, Matheus R.; Brito, Camila B.; Barrioni, Breno; Almeida, Pedro J.; Gonçalves-Pereira, Marcela H.; Silva, Tarcília; Oliveira, Sicília R.; Pereira, Marivalda M.; Santiago, Helton C.; Teixeira, Mauro M.; Costa, Vivian V.
2024A novel kinetic modeling of enzymatic hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse pretreated by hydrothermal and organosolv processesMoreira Neto, João; Costa, Josiel Martins; Bonomi, Antonio; Costa, Aline Carvalho
16-Oct-2022Microwave drying of sweet potato: drying kinetics and energetic analysis.Junqueira, João Renato de Jesus; Corrêa, Jefferson; Petri Junior, Irineu; Gatti, Isabella Pereira; Mendonça, Kamilla Soares de
5-Oct-2022Influence of residual stress models prescribed in design codes for steel I-section behaviorLemes, Ígor; Silva, Jéssica L.; Batelo, Everton A. P.; Silveira, Ricardo
9-Dec-2020Biogenic synthesis of silver nanoparticles from thyme extract for functionalization of a bioactive glass produced from rice husk ashPereira, M. A.; Oliveira, J. E. de; Abreu, D. J. M. de; Piccoli, R. H.; Fonseca, C. S.
10-Jul-2022Crop coefficient for coffee as a function of leaf area indexSant’Ana, J. A. do Vale; Colombo, A.; Silva Junior, J. J. da; Scalco, M. S.; Silva, R. A. da
27-Sep-2022Sampling rate in the dynamic speckle analysisPujaico Rivera, Fernando; González‑Peña, Rolando J.; Braga‑Jr, Roberto A.
Aug-2023First evidence of widespread, severe soil erosion underneath centre-pivot irrigation systemsBatista, Pedro V. G.; Baptista, Victor B. da S.; Wilken, Florian; Seufferheld, Kay; Quinton, John N.; Fiener, Peter
Dec-2022Microbial oil and biodiesel production in an integrated sugarcane biorefinery: Techno-economic and life cycle assessmentLongati, Andreza Aparecida; Campani, Gilson; Furlan, Felipe Fernando; Giordano, Roberto de Campos; Miranda, Everson Alves
Jun-2026Evaluation of coffee plant attributes by field collection and remotely piloted aircraft system imagesBento, Nicole Lopes; Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Barata, Rafael Alexandre Pena; Santana, Lucas Santos; Faria, Rafael de Oliveira; Soares, Daniel Veiga
17-Nov-2022Thermoregulation and performance of dairy cows subjected to different evaporative cooling regimens, with or without pepper extract supplementationPeretti, Sidinei; Rosa, Viviane Dalla; Zotti, Maria Luísa Appendino Nunes; Prestes, Alan Miranda; Ferraz, Patrícia Ferreira Ponciano; Silva, Aleksandro Schafer da; Zotti, Claiton André
12-Sep-2022Mapping soil and pasture attributes for buffalo management through remote sensing and geostatistics in Amazon biomeValente, Gislayne Farias; Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Santana, Lucas Santos; Ferraz, Patrícia Ferreira Ponciano; Mariano, Daiane de Cinque; Santos, Crissogno Mesquita dos; Okumura, Ricardo Shigueru; Simonini, Stefano; Barbari, Matteo; Rossi, Giuseppe
12-Dec-2022Infrared thermography as a technique for detecting subclinical bovine mastitisOliveira, A.V.D.; Reis, E.M.B.; Ferraz, P.F.P.; Barbari, M.; Santos, G.S.; Cruz, M.V.R.; Silva, G.F.; Silva, A.O.L.
Dec-2022Effects of thermal environment on dairy cattle under a grazing system in the Western Amazon, BrazilOliveira, A.V.D.; Reis, E.M.B.; Ferraz, P.F.P.; Barbari, M.; Santos, G.S.; Cruz, M.V.R.; Silva, G.F.; Silva, A.O.L.
Sep-2022Corn yield components in function of the regulation of the seeder-fertilizer in a conventional planting system in amazon biomeValente, Gislayne Farias; Silva, Vicente Filho Alves; Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Pinto, Daiane Rodrigues da Silva; Silva, José Nilton da; Santana, Lucas Santos; Anhê, Bruno Borella; Santiago, Tiago de Souza; Mariano, Daiane de Cinque; Okumura, Ricardo Shigueru; Silva, Priscilla Andrade
2023Compost barn system and its influence on the environment, comfort and welfare of dairy cattleNepomuceno, G. L.; Cecchin, D.; Damasceno, F. A.; Amaral, P. I. S.; Caproni, V. R.; Rossi, G.; Bambi, G.; Ferraz, P. F. P.
11-Apr-2021Comparison between the Eulerian (CFD) and the Lagrangian (DEM) approaches in the simulation of a flighted rotary drumNascimento, Suellen M.; Lima, Rondinelli M.; Brandão, Rodolfo J.; Santos, Dyrney A.; Duarte, Claudio R.; Barrozo, Marcos A. S.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1926