Agronomia/Fitopatologia - Doutorado (Teses) : [177] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 177
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19-Dec-2024Gênero Calonectria: resistência genética esequenciamento de genomas de diferentes espéciesMolinari, Letícia Vaz
8-Nov-2024Contribuições ao estudo da interação de Corynespora cassiicola com sementes de algodão e sojaMoura, Nevenka de Matos
9-Oct-2024Early detection of Meloidogyne exigua and bacteria diversities associated to egg masses of the pathogen in coffeeBrum, Daniele de
28-Aug-2024Diversidade de populações de Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis do estado do Pará e reação de cultivares de mandioca à bacterioseCardoso, Sandra Valéria Dias
8-Aug-2024Biological and molecular study, incidence, and spatial distribution of viruses in pitaya (Selenicereus spp.)Silveira, Antonia Thalyta Lopes
7-Jun-2024Forecast systems for coffee diseasesColares, Mário Roberto Nogueira
20-Mar-2024Nanopartículas e misturas em tanque no controle de doenças da sojaPereira, Andreane Bastos
12-Mar-2024Fungicides resistance: implications on biological process of pathogens populationsDorigan, Adriano Francis
2-Jan-2024Yellow mealworm waste amendment in the control of Fusarium wlit and root-knot nematode in tomatoGondim, João Pedro Elias
4-Oct-2023Endophytic fungi and rhizobacteria: beneficial effects on plantsOliveira, Larissa Maia de
26-Sep-2023Influence of the environment and nutrition on the fatal yellowing of palm oil and powdery mildew of eucalyptusPereira, Renata Cristina Martins
21-Sep-2023Understanding pitfalls and proposing strategies to optimize the biological control of white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)Faria, Amanda Flausino de
3-Aug-2023Caracterização de produtos comerciais e da fermentação on farm para o controle de Pratylenchus brachyurus em sojaRibeiro, Carla Maria Cavalcanti
24-Mar-2023One or millions: how much does a microbiologically-buffered soil withstand chemical and biological pesticides?Afridi, Muhammad Siddique
20-Mar-2023Species of Calonectria associated with Eucalyptus plantations in northeastern BrazilGonzalez, Enrique Ignacio Sanchez
7-Mar-2023The role of volatile organic compounds emitted by nematophagous fungi in the interaction with Meloidogyne spp.Pacheco, Paulo Victor Magalhães
7-Mar-2023Survey and molecular characterization of the Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) in the southern region of Mozambique - Chókwè DistrictBarros, Sandra Carvalho Ismael Mussa
23-Jan-2023Species of Chrysoporthe pathogenic to Melastomataceae in BrazilSilva, Gabrielle Avelar
26-Oct-2022Cercosporiosis resistance and cercosporin production in coffee genotypesRamos, Juliana Barros
26-Sep-2022New diagrammatic scale and rate progress analysis of coffee rustFigueiredo, Yasmim Freitas
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 177