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dc.creatorFerreira, Saulo Rocha-
dc.creatorAndrade, Rodolfo Giacomim Mendes de-
dc.creatorAndrade, Gabriele Melo de-
dc.creatorAraújo, Olga Maria Oliveira de-
dc.creatorLopes, Ricardo Tadeu-
dc.creatorFairbairn, Eduardo de Moraes Rego-
dc.creatorGrabois, Thiago Melo-
dc.creatorUkrainczyk, Neven-
dc.identifier.citationFERREIRA, S. R. et al. Bond behavior of a bio-aggregate embedded in cement-based matrix. Materials, [S. l.], v. 15, 6151, 2022. DOI: 10.3390/ma15176151.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThis paper investigates the bond behavior between a bio-aggregate and a cement-based matrix. The experimental evaluation comprised physical, chemical, image, and mechanical characterization of the bio-aggregate. The image analyses about the bio-aggregate’s outer structure provided first insights to understand the particularities of this newly proposed bio-aggregate for use in cementitious materials. A mineral aggregate (granitic rock), largely used as coarse aggregate in the Brazilian civil construction industry, was used as reference. The bond behavior of both aggregates was evaluated via pull-out tests. The results indicated that both aggregates presented a similar linear elastic branch up to each respective peak loads. The peak load magnitude of the mineral aggregate indicated a better chemical adhesion when compared to the bio-aggregate’s. The post-peak behavior, however, indicated a smoother softening branch for the bio-aggregate, corroborated by the microscopy image analyses. Although further investigation is required, the macaúba crushed endocarp was found to be a thriving bio-material to be used as bio-aggregate.pt_BR
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International*
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.subjectMacaúba endocarppt_BR
dc.subjectLightweight concretept_BR
dc.subjectImage analysispt_BR
dc.subjectNumerical modelingpt_BR
dc.subjectEndocarpo macaúbapt_BR
dc.subjectConcreto levept_BR
dc.subjectAnálise de imagempt_BR
dc.subjectModelagem numéricapt_BR
dc.titleBond behavior of a bio-aggregate embedded in cement-based matrixpt_BR
Appears in Collections:DEG - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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