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dc.creatorPeixoto, Maria Gabriela Mendonça-
dc.creatorMendonça, Maria Cristina Angélico-
dc.creatorCastro, Cleber Carvalho de-
dc.creatorCastro Júnior, Luiz Gonzaga de-
dc.creatorMelo, Gustavo Alves de-
dc.creatorBatalha, Mário Otávio-
dc.identifier.citationPEIXOTO, M. G. M. et al. Evaluation of the operational efficiency of southeast intermodal terminals in the grain logistics chain using data envelopment analysis. Managerial and Decision Economics, [S.I.], v. 43, n. 7, p. 3044-3058, Oct. 2022. DOI: 10.1002/mde.3580.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThis paper aimed to investigate the performance of intermodal terminals located in Southeastern Brazil, verifying their efficiency levels in logistics operations of grain agricultural crop runoff, using data envelopment analysis (DEA). The results show only 25% of terminals with total and pure technical efficiency, which are able, therefore, to use their inputs efficiently, without incurring large losses. The inefficient ones only present pure technical efficiency, suggesting they are likely to present scale inefficiency of operations. The analysis of terminals has shown that a better operational productivity can be obtained in relation to the use of their structure and available resources.pt_BR
dc.publisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.pt_BR
dc.sourceManagerial and Decision Economicspt_BR
dc.subjectIntermodal terminalspt_BR
dc.subjectGrain agricultural crop runoffpt_BR
dc.subjectData envelopment analysis (DEA)pt_BR
dc.subjectOperational productivitypt_BR
dc.subjectTerminal intermodalpt_BR
dc.subjectGrãos - Cadeia logísticapt_BR
dc.subjectAnálise Envoltória de Dadospt_BR
dc.subjectEficiência operacionalpt_BR
dc.titleEvaluation of the operational efficiency of southeast intermodal terminals in the grain logistics chain using data envelopment analysispt_BR
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