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dc.creatorMammola, Stefano-
dc.creatorSouza, Maysa Fernanda Villela Rezende-
dc.creatorIsaia, Marco-
dc.creatorFerreira, Rodrigo Lopes-
dc.identifier.citationMAMMOLA, S. et al. Global distribution of microwhip scorpions (Arachnida: Palpigradi). Journal of Biogeography, [S.l.], v. 48, n. 6, p. 1518-1529, June 2021. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.14094.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractAim: historically, research on global distribution patterns has mostly concentrated on conspicuous organisms and thus a large proportion of biodiversity on Earth re-mains unmapped. We examined the global distribution of palpigrades, a poorly stud-ied group of low dispersive arachnids specialized to subterranean life. We asked what are the ecological factors driving their distributions, and to what extent sampling bias may influence the observed patterns. Location: Global. Taxon: Palpigrades (Arachnida: Palpigradi) in the genus Eukoenenia. Methods: We assembled a database of over 1000 localities and referring to 57 soil- and 69 cave-adapted palpigrades. We tested for differences in range sizes of soil- and cave-adapted species. We used variance partitioning analysis to explore the contri-bution of climate, nutrient availability and geology in driving observed distributions. Finally, we verified the potential correlation between the number of occurrence re-cords and the number of palpigrades' researchers. Results: Europe and Brazil emerged as centres of diversification of cave-adapted palpigrades. Conversely, the diversity of soil-adapted species was distributed over a broader geographical expanse, mainly in the Southern Hemisphere. Both cave and soil species had narrow distribution ranges, with a median value of 0.01 km2; only a few parthenogenetic species were distributed over multiple continents. The distribution of cave- and soil-adapted palpigrades was primarily explained by climatic conditions, and secondarily by nutrient and habitat availability. In the Alps, the distribution of cave-adapted species also bears the signature of historical events related to glaciation cycles. We observed, however, a pronounced people-species correlation, suggesting that the observed patterns are not generalizable to poorly explored areas. Main conclusions: our study highlights enormous gaps in current knowledge about the biogeography of palpigrades. Even if the information is largely incomplete and bi-ased, we show how data can be harnessed to draw a preliminary picture of the global distribution patterns of palpigrades. Thus, we offer a jumping-off point for future studies on the macroecology and conservation of poorly known organisms.pt_BR
dc.sourceJournal of Biogeographypt_BR
dc.subjectDiversity patternpt_BR
dc.subjectSpecies distribution modellingpt_BR
dc.subjectSubterranean biologypt_BR
dc.subjectVariance partitioning analysispt_BR
dc.titleGlobal distribution of microwhip scorpions (Arachnida: Palpigradi)pt_BR
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