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dc.creatorRojas, Onofre-
dc.identifier.citationROJAS, O. Geometrically frustrated Ising-Heisenberg spin model on expanded Kagomé lattice. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Amsterdam, v. 473, p. 442-448, 1 Mar. 2019.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractHere we consider the Ising-Heisenberg model in the expanded Kagomé lattice, also known as triangle-dodecagon (3–12) or star lattice. This model can still be understood as a decorated honeycomb lattice. Assuming that the Heisenberg spins are at the vertices of the triangle while other spins are of the Ising type. Thus, this model is equivalent to an effective Kagomé Ising lattice, through the decoration transformation technique. Thus this means that the model is exactly solvable so we can study the most relevant properties of this model. Like the phase diagram at zero temperature, exhibiting a frustrated phase, a ferromagnetic phase, a classical ferrimagnetic phase and a quantum ferrimagnetic phase. We observed that Heisenberg spin exchange interaction influences the frustrated phase, but we rigorously verify that the magnitude and origin of the frustration emerge in a similar way to antiferromagnetic Ising Kagomé lattice. Likewise, the thermodynamic properties of the model can also be obtained, such as the critical temperature as a dependence of the Hamiltonian parameters and the spontaneous magnetization of the model. Besides, we investigated the entropy of the model, identifying its residual entropy in the frustrated region. Even we analyze the specific heat behavior as a temperature dependence, to deal with the phase transition.pt_BR
dc.sourceJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materialspt_BR
dc.subjectExactly solvable modespt_BR
dc.subjectDecoration transformationpt_BR
dc.subjectKagomé latticept_BR
dc.subjectIsing modelpt_BR
dc.subjectIsing-Heisenberg modelpt_BR
dc.subjectEstrutura Kagomépt_BR
dc.subjectModelo Isingpt_BR
dc.subjectModelo Ising-Heisenbergpt_BR
dc.titleGeometrically frustrated Ising-Heisenberg spin model on expanded Kagomé latticept_BR
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