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dc.creatorGois, Gelsoneide da Silva-
dc.creatorAndrade, Michelle Félix de-
dc.creatorGarcia, Sônia Maria Silva-
dc.creatorVinhas, Glória Maria-
dc.creatorSantos, Amélia S. F.-
dc.creatorMedeiros, Eliton S.-
dc.creatorOliveira, Juliano E.-
dc.creatorAlmeida, Yêda Medeiros Bastos de-
dc.identifier.citationGOIS, G. da S. et al. Soil biodegradation of PLA/CNW nanocomposites modified with ethylene oxide derivatives. Materials Research, São Carlos, v. 20, p. 899-904, 2017. Suplemento 2.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractDue to its ester bonds, poly(lactic acid) (PLA) undergoes biodegradation in humid environments, attracting market attention. The goal of this work was to observe the biodegradation in garden soil of PLA nanocomposites with neat (PLA/CNW) and surfactant modified cellulose nanowhiskers (PLA/CNW/S). Three types of surfactants were tested: poly(ethylene glycol) monooleate (PEGMONO) and poly(ethylene glycol) with molecular weight of 300 and 1000 Da. The films were obtained by solution casting, cut in strips of (2x2) cm and buried in garden soil, monitoring the temperature and humidity. After 90, 120 and 150 days changes were observed in the films by visual inspection, polarized light microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The results showed that the addition of surfactant favored the biodegradation of nanocomposites and that PLA/CNW/PEG1000 showed the fastest biodegradation rate.pt_BR
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International*
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceMaterials Researchpt_BR
dc.subjectPoly lactic acid (PLA)pt_BR
dc.subjectCellulose nanowhiskers (CNW)pt_BR
dc.titleSoil biodegradation of PLA/CNW nanocomposites modified with ethylene oxide derivativespt_BR
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