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dc.creatorQueiroz, Gustavo Silva-
dc.creatorLuz, Ana Beatriz Gobbo-
dc.creatorNascimento, Marcus Vinícius Pereira dos Santos-
dc.creatorThomasi, Sergio Scherrer-
dc.creatorFerreira, Antonio Gilberto-
dc.creatorDalmarco, Eduardo Monguilhott-
dc.creatorBrighente, Ines Maria Costa-
dc.identifier.citationQUEIROZ, G. S. et al. Phytochemical study and anti-inflammatory effect of Psychotria stenocalyx (Rubiaceae). Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 4, p. 168-173, Apr. 2017.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractIn this study, an in vivo anti-inflammatory assay was conducted on Psychotria stenocalyx ethanol extract of leaves, evaluating this effect on cell migration and exudate formation in a murine carrageenan-induced model of pleurisy. The extract showed the optimum dose, at 400 mg/kg, inhibiting cellular and vascular parameters: total leucocytes due to polymorphonuclear migration and exudate formation (p < 0.01). A phytochemical study was conducted using the hyphenated techniques HPLC-DAD-SPE/NMR and HPLC-DAD-ESI-TOF-HRMS, in which seven monoterpene indole alkaloids were identified: lyaloside 1, (E)-O-(6&′)-cinnamoyl-4”-hydroxy-3”,5”-dimethoxy-lyaloside 2, strictosamide 3, pauridianthoside 4, vallesiachotamine lactone 5, E-vallesiachotamine 6 and Z-vallesiachotamine 7, in the alkaloid fraction, obtained by an acid-base extraction on P. stenocalyx crude extract. This is the first study developed with this species.pt_BR
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciencept_BR
dc.subjectPsychotria stenocalyxpt_BR
dc.subjectMonoterpene indole alkaloidspt_BR
dc.subjectAlcalóides indólicos monoterpénicospt_BR
dc.titlePhytochemical study and anti-inflammatory effect of Psychotria stenocalyx (Rubiaceae)pt_BR
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