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Title: A influência da Herança Mapuche Marcada em autobiografia: significações reveladas com a avaliatividade
Other Titles: La influencia de la herencia mapuche marcada en autobiografia: significaciones reveladas con la valoración
The influence of the mapuche inheritance marked in autobiography: significations revealed with apraisal
Authors: Romero, Tania Regina de Souza
Batista, Maria Eugênia
Gomes, Maria Carmen Aires
Keywords: Identidad docente
Narrativa autobiográfica
Teaching identity
Autobiographical narrative
Issue Date: 16-Aug-2018
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: PAILLAO, L. Del C. E. A influência da Herança Mapuche Marcada em autobiografia: significações reveladas com a avaliatividade. 2018. 58 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação)-Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2018.
Abstract: The general objective of this article is to discuss the constructed meanings that refer to the Mapuche maternal inheritance through an analysis of an autobiographic narrative. The specific objectives are: i) to identify, in the autobiographical narrative, passages that potentially reveal examples of ethnic-racial discrimination; ii) analyze and categorize the identified passages based on FSL and interpreted according to the concepts of discrimination, ideological operations and essentialism; iii) reflect on the effects of discrimination experienced and signified, with a view to understanding language teacheridentity. Methodologically, the research is qualitative, descriptive, and its methodology is content analysis. The linguistic analysis, confirmed by the Appraisal system, and based on the attitude resource supported the theoretical interpretations, since it showed great occurrence of evidence of judgment (44) passages, especially of social estimation, followed by affection (18) and appreciation passages(9).
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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