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dc.creatorLima, L. M.-
dc.creatorSantos, J. P. dos-
dc.creatorCasagrande, D. R.-
dc.creatorÁvila, C. L. S.-
dc.creatorLara, M. S.-
dc.creatorBernardes, T. F.-
dc.identifier.citationLIMA, L. M. et al. Lining bunker walls with oxygen barrier film reduces nutrient losses in corn silages. Journal of Dairy Science, Champaign, v. 100, n. 6, p. 4565-4573, June 2017.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to evaluate 2 systems for covering corn silage in bunker silos. The first system consisted of a sheet of 45-μm-thick oxygen barrier film (OB, polyethylene + ethylene-vinyl alcohol) placed along the length of the sidewall before filling. After filling, the excess film was pulled over the wall on top of the silage, and a sheet of polyethylene was placed on top. The second system involved using a standard sheet (ST) of 180-μm-thick polyethylene film. Eight commercial bunker silos were divided into 2 parts lengthwise so that one-half of the silo was covered with OB and the other half with a ST system. During the filling, 3 net bags with chopped corn were buried in the central part (halfway between the top and bottom of the silo) of the bunkers (CCOR) in 3 sections 10 m apart. After filling, 18 net bags (9 per covering system) were buried 40 cm below the top surface of the 3 sections. These bags were placed at 3 distances from the bunker walls (0 to 50 cm, 51 to 100 cm, and 101 to 150 cm). During unloading, the bags were removed from the silos to determine the dry matter (DM) losses, fermentation end products, and nutritive value. The Milk2006 spreadsheet was used to estimate milk per tonne of DM. The model included the fixed effect of treatment (7 different locations in the bunker) and the random effect of the silo. Two contrasts were tested to compare silages in the top laterals (shoulders) with that in the CCOR (CCOR vs. OB and CCOR vs. ST). Three contrasts compared the corresponding distances of the silage covered by the 2 systems (OB50 vs. ST50, OB100 vs. ST100 and OB150 vs. ST150). Variables were analyzed with the PROC MIXED procedure of the SAS at the 5% level. The OB method produced well-fermented silages, which were similar to CCOR, whereas the OB system showed less lactic acid and greater pH and mold counts compared with CCOR. The ST method had 116.2 kg of milk/t less than the CCOR, as the OB system and the CCOR were similar (1,258.3 and 1,294.0 kg/t, respectively). Regarding the distances from the walls, the effects were more pronounced from 0 to 101 cm. The OB50 and OB100 silages had better quality and lower mold counts and DM losses than ST50 and ST100. The OB system reduced DM and nutrient losses at the shoulders in farm bunker corn silages compared with no sidewall plastic. The OB film should lap onto the crop for at least 200 cm so that 150 cm are covered outward from the wall.pt_BR
dc.sourceJournal of Dairy Sciencept_BR
dc.subjectAerobic deteriorationpt_BR
dc.subjectOxygen barrier filmpt_BR
dc.subjectMaize silagept_BR
dc.subjectSidewall plasticpt_BR
dc.subjectDeterioração aeróbicapt_BR
dc.subjectFilme de barreira de oxigêniopt_BR
dc.subjectSilagem de milhopt_BR
dc.titleLining bunker walls with oxygen barrier film reduces nutrient losses in corn silagespt_BR
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