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dc.creatorCarneiro, Angélica de Cássia O.-
dc.creatorVital, Benedito Rocha-
dc.creatorPimenta, Alexandre Santos-
dc.creatorMori, Fábio Akira-
dc.identifier.citationCARNEIRO, A. de C. O. et al. Reatividade dos taninos da casca de Eucalyptus grandis para produção de adesivos Cerne, Lavras, v. 7, n. 1, p. 1-9, 2001.-
dc.descriptionThe work objectived to study the reactivity of the tannins of the bark of Eucalyptus grandis to paraformaldehyde at different pH values, time of hydrolisis and sulphitezation and to produce tannics adhesives for wood. It was observed that the best gel-time was obtained with tannins sulphited at pH 3, with 3% of sulphite and time of reation of 90 minutes. Sulphited tannins in pH equal to 2 had the worst results, therefore, adesives with pH of formulations lower than 3 should not be used. The best tannic adhesive was that produced with tannins hydrolised and sulphited to which were added 5% of extender and 5% of filler. Adhesives produced with sulphited tannins presented the worst results.-
dc.description.abstractThe work objectived to study the reactivity of the tannins of the bark of Eucalyptus grandis to paraformaldehyde at different pH values, time of hydrolisis and sulphitezation and to produce tannics adhesives for wood. It was observed that the best gel-time was obtained with tannins sulphited at pH 3, with 3% of sulphite and time of reation of 90 minutes. Sulphited tannins in pH equal to 2 had the worst results, therefore, adesives with pH of formulations lower than 3 should not be used. The best tannic adhesive was that produced with tannins hydrolised and sulphited to which were added 5% of extender and 5% of filler. Adhesives produced with sulphited tannins presented the worst results.-
dc.rightsCopyright (c) 2015 CERNE-
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International*
dc.sourceCERNE; Vol 7 No 1 (2001); 001-009-
dc.sourceCERNE; Vol 7 No 1 (2001); 001-009-
dc.subjectEucalyptus grandis-
dc.titleReatividade dos taninos da casca de Eucalyptus grandis para produção de adesivos-
dc.title.alternativeEucalyptus grandis bark tannins reativity to produce adhesives-
dc.description.resumoEste trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a reatividade dos taninos da casca de Eucalyptus grandis ao paraformaldeído, em diferentes valores de pH, tempo de hidrólise e sulfitação, e produzir adesivos tânicos para madeira. Observou-se que o melhor tempo de gelificação foi obtido com taninos sulfitados em pH igual a 3, com 3% de sulfito e tempo de reação de 90 minutos. Taninos sulfitados em pH igual a 2 tiveram os piores resultados, desaconselhando-se, portanto, formulações de adesivos com pH inferiores a 3. O melhor adesivo tânico foi aquele produzido com taninos hidrolisados e sulfitados, ao qual foi acrescentado 5% de carga +5% de extensor. Os adesivos produzidos com os taninos apenas sulfitados apresentaram os piores resultados.-
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