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Title: A construção coletiva de uma proposta de conteúdos curriculares de ecologia para o ensino médio na formação inicial de professores com suportes da história da ciência
Other Titles: The collective construction of a proposal of curricular content on ecology for high school in the initial formation of teachers with the support of history of science
Keywords: Ensino de ecologia
Proposta curricular
Metodologia de ensino em ecologia
Formação de professores
Ecology teaching
Curricular proposal
Methodology of teaching in ecology
Formação de professores
Issue Date: Dec-2015
Publisher: Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda
Citation: REIS NETO, J. A. dos et al. A construção coletiva de uma proposta de conteúdos curriculares de ecologia para o ensino médio na formação inicial de professores com suportes da história da ciência. Revista Práxis, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 14, p. 27-34, dez. 2015.
Abstract: This paper presents a proposal of a curriculum on Ecology for high school, built by undergraduates in Biological Sciences of Federal University of Lavras - MG, within the course “Teaching methodology in Ecology”. The proposed curriculum, based on the critical theory of the curriculum and using the History of Science as a guideline, has referred to the National Curriculum Parameters in order to build a new curriculum proposal to comprise both scientific training and the formation of citizenship of students. After being finalized, the proposed curriculum was compared to the official curriculum adopted by the state schools in the city of Lavras, and the textbooks they use. From this assessment, we realized that the official curriculum is, in many ways, fragmented and poorly contextualized. Thus, we understand that it is necessary to propose new ways to (re) think and build the curriculum, as in our proposal, trying to provide the students with the ability to build their knowledge in situations that make sense in their reality and that enables them to interpret and intervene in historical, political, economic and social processes.
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