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dc.creatorSilva, Maria Cristina-
dc.creatorTorres, Juliana Arriel-
dc.creatorCorrêa, Angelita Duarte-
dc.creatorJunqueira, Allana Maria Bernardes-
dc.creatorAmorim, Maria Teresa Pessoa-
dc.creatorSantos, Custódio Donizete dos-
dc.identifier.citationSILVA, M. C. et al. Obtention of plant peroxidase and its potential for the decolorization of the reactive dye Remazol Turquoise G 133%. Water Science & Technology, Oxford, v. 65, n. 4, p. 669-675, Feb. 2012.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractPeroxidases can be used in the decolorization process. There is a growing interest for new sources of this enzyme and for obtaining economically viable processes. In this work, a low-cost vegetable peroxidase extraction process is proposed; the resulting enzyme is characterized to determine its optimum pH, temperature, and stability conditions, and it is then applied in the decolorization of reactive dye Remazol Turquoise G 133%. The turnip peroxidase (TP) was utilized as an enzymatic source. This enzyme exhibited maximum activity at pH 7.0, and it was active in the temperature range of 30 to 50 °C, which favors its use in industrial processes. Acetone was the most efficient solvent to induce precipitation. The removal of Remazol Turquoise G 133% was 56.0% complete after 50 min, while 41.0% of the same dye was removed with the commercial horseradish peroxidase enzyme in 50 min. TP presents potential as a viable alternative in the decolorization of textile wastewaters.pt_BR
dc.publisherInternational Association on Water Pollution Researchpt_BR
dc.sourceWater Science & Technologypt_BR
dc.subjectRemazol turquoisept_BR
dc.subjectTextile wastewaters - Decolorizationpt_BR
dc.titleObtention of plant peroxidase and its potential for the decolorization of the reactive dye Remazol Turquoise G 133%pt_BR
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