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dc.creatorSilva, Carlos Pereira da-
dc.creatorOliveira, Luciano Antonio de-
dc.creatorNuvunga, Joel Jorge-
dc.creatorPamplona, Andrezza Kéllen Alves-
dc.creatorBalestre, Marcio-
dc.identifier.citationSILVA, C. P da et al. A bayesian shrinkage approach for AMMI models. Plos One, San Francisco, v. 10, n. 7, p. 1-27, July 2015.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractLinear-bilinear models, especially the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model, are widely applicable to genotype-by-environment interaction (GEI) studies in plant breeding programs. These models allow a parsimonious modeling of GE interactions, retaining a small number of principal components in the analysis. However, one aspect of the AMMI model that is still debated is the selection criteria for determining the number of multiplicative terms required to describe the GE interaction pattern. Shrinkage estimators have been proposed as selection criteria for the GE interaction components. In this study, a Bayesian approach was combined with the AMMI model with shrinkage estimators for the principal components. A total of 55 maize genotypes were evaluated in nine different environments using a complete blocks design with three replicates. The results show that the traditional Bayesian AMMI model produces low shrinkage of singular values but avoids the usual pitfalls in determining the credible intervals in the biplot. On the other hand, Bayesian shrinkage AMMI models have difficulty with the credible interval for model parameters, but produce stronger shrinkage of the principal components, converging to GE matrices that have more shrinkage than those obtained using mixed models. This characteristic allowed more parsimonious models to be chosen, and resulted in models being selected that were similar to those obtained by the Cornelius F-test (α = 0.05) in traditional AMMI models and cross validation based on leave-one-out. This characteristic allowed more parsimonious models to be chosen and more GEI pattern retained on the first two components. The resulting model chosen by posterior distribution of singular value was also similar to those produced by the cross-validation approach in traditional AMMI models. Our method enables the estimation of credible interval for AMMI biplot plus the choice of AMMI model based on direct posterior distribution retaining more GEI pattern in the first components and discarding noise without Gaussian assumption as requested in F-based tests or deal with parametric problems as observed in traditional AMMI shrinkage method.pt_BR
dc.publisherPublic Library of Sciencept_BR
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourcePlos Onept_BR
dc.subjectBayesian shrinkagept_BR
dc.subjectAMMI modelpt_BR
dc.subjectLinear-bilinear modelspt_BR
dc.subjectPlant breeding programspt_BR
dc.titleA bayesian shrinkage approach for AMMI modelspt_BR
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