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Title: Processo de decisão de compra dos consumidores de serviços de tv por internet: o caso Netflix
Other Titles: Consumer purchase decision process for internet tv services: the Netflix case
Authors: Antonialli, Luiz Marcelo
Souki , Gustavo Quiroga
Sugano, Joel Yutaka
Moura, Luiz Rodrigo Cunha
Keywords: Comportamento do consumidor
Processo de decisão de compra
Consumer behavior
Purchase decision process
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: OLIVEIRA, F. Processo de decisão de compra dos consumidores de serviços de tv por internet: o caso Netflix. 2016. 110 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração)-Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2016.
Abstract: The factors that influence purchase behavior, the manner in which these factors are identified and the manner in which they can be used in marketing communication strategies induce us to study consumer behavior. Due to the higher accessibility of the consumers to information, they have become more thorough, demanding and critical of their choices, increasing ever more their expectations in aspects related to the service quality that companies offer in the market. It is in this context that the development of this study is inserted, presenting the main focus of understanding consumer behavior regarding the services offered by Netflix in Brazil and in the United States, using the purchase decision process model proposed by Blackwell, Miniard and Engel (2013). In order to understand consumer behavior, the theoretical reference encompassed consumer purchase decision process, following the stages of recognizing the need for purchase, seeking information, alternative evaluation, purchase/consumption and postpurchase behavior (Blackwell, Miniard and Engel, 2013). To reach the stipulated objectives, it was necessary to conduct a qualitative research of exploratory character, with which we explored the theme with depth. A bibliographic research, collection of secondary data and in-depth interviews with 61 Netflix subscribers (38 interviewed in Brazil and 23 in the United States) were also conducted, in which all information necessary were surveyed, conducting a comparative category content analysis. When comparing the behavior of consumers from the United States, country precursor of the service, and Brazil, we perceive that there were notable differences between them. The differences occurred especially during the stage of consumption, which refers to the manner in which the users use the service, during the stage of streaming alternatives in each country and in relation to the differential availability of titles given the legal and geographical barriers. Despite Brazilian interviewees criticizing the amount of movies, in general, the subscribers were very satisfied, appreciating the cost of the service, the quality, the autonomy and consumer service. It is expected that this study contribute in filing the theoretical gap found in the behavior of streaming service consumers. In addition, this research can offer insights for the elaboration of strategies and managerial decision-making, taking as example the strategies and obstacles found by Netflix before its consumers.
Appears in Collections:Administração - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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