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Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
16-Nov-2023Economia circular no manejo de resíduos da cafeicultura e efeitos sobre o sistema solo-plantaPereira, Thiago de Assis
Jan-2022Examining the land leveling impacts on the physical quality of lowland soils in Southern BrazilFuentes-Guevara, Miguel David; Armindo, Robson André; Timm, Luís Carlos; Faria, Lessandro Coll
Set-2020Iron ore mining areas and their reclamation in Minas Gerais State, Brazil: impacts on soil physical propertiesSousa, Saulo Saturnino de; Freitas, Diego Antônio França; Latini, Anderson Oliveira; Silva, Bruno Montoani; Viana, João Herbert Moreira; Campos, Matheus Pena; Peixoto, Devison Souza; Botula, Yves‑Dady
-Soil quality assessment of an agroforestry system following long-term management in the Ozark HighlandsYlagan, Shane; Amorim, Helen C. S.; Ashworth, Amanda J.; Sauer, Tom; Wienhold, Brian J.; Owens, Phillip R.; Zinn, Yuri L.; Brye, Kristofor R.
Jun-2021Soil quality assessment using erosion-sensitive indices and fuzzy membership under different cropping systems on a Ferralsol in BrazilSantos, Wharley Pereira dos; Silva, Marx Leandro Naves; Avanzi, Junior Cesar; Acuña-Guzman, Salvador Francisco; Cândido, Bernardo Moreira; Cirillo, Marcelo Ângelo; Curi, Nilton
Out-2020Soil quality indices following long-term conservation pasture management practicesAmorim, Helen C. S.; Ashworth, Amanda J.; Moore Junior, Philip A.; Wienhold, Brian J.; Savin, Mary C.; Owens, Phillip R.; Jagadamma, Sindhu; Carvalho, Teotonio Soares de; Xu, Sutie