Navegando por Assunto Immunity

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Mostrando resultados 1 a 11 de 11
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
Out-2020Clinical immunity in discharged medical patients with COVID-19Mumoli, Nicola; Vitale, Josè; Mazzone, Antonino
2020Data mining and analysis of scientific research data records on Covid-19 mortality, immunity, and vaccine development: in the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemicRadanliev, Petar; De Roure, David; Walton, Rob
2015Efeito da ingestão de β-glucanos em ratos diabéticos com doença periodontalSilva, Viviam de Oliveira
28-Mar-2022Effect of glucan prebiotics on growth, milk replacer intake, health and immunity of dairy calvesSimões Filho, Luiz Marcos
2012Effect of probiotic administration on the immune response: a systematic review of experimental models in ratsSilva, Viviam de Oliveira; Foureaux, Renata de Carvalho; Araujo, Thiago Santos; Peconick, Ana Paula; Zangeronimo, Marcio Gilberto; Pereira, Luciano José
15-Set-2021Effect of supplementation with core homeopathic on the serum immunological profile of pregnant ewes and lambsToma, Claudia Dias Monteiro; Toma, Hugo Shisei; Muraro, Lívia Saab; Oba, Eunice; Almeida, Jéssica Núbia da Silva; Carvalho, Armando de Mattos; Rêgo, Fabiola Cristiane de Almeida; Santos, Marcelo Diniz dos
11-Ago-2014Extrato de orégano com aditivo em rações de frangos de corte.Fukayama, Ellen Hatsumi
Ago-2020Lessons for COVID-19 immunity from other Coronavirus infectionsSariol, Alan; Perlman, Stanley
Jun-2022Milk thistle (Silybum marianum), Marine Algae (Spirulina platensis) and Toxin binder powders in the diets of broiler chickens exposed to aflatoxin-B1: growth performance, humoral immune response and cecal microbiotaFeshanghchi, Mostafa; Baghban-Kanani, Payam; Kashefi-Motlagh, Bahman; Adib, Fariba; Azimi-Youvalari, Saba; Hosseintabar-Ghasemabad, Babak; Slozhenkina, Marina; Gorlov, Ivan; Zangeronimo, Márcio G.; Swelum, Ayman A.; Seidavi, Alireza; Khan, Rifat U.; Ragni, Marco; Laudadio, Vito; Tufarelli, Vincenzo
30-Jul-2019Programa de uso terapêutico e subterapêutico de óleos essenciais em substituição aos antibióticos para suínosBarreto, Joana
3-Jun-2019Resposta de vacas leiteiras à suplementação com bactérias e levedurasResende, Letícia do Nascimento