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Título: Comparação de método invasivo e não invasivo para determinação da velocidade crítica em nadadores.
Título(s) alternativo(s): Comparison between invasive and non-invasive methods to determine the critical speed in swimmers
Palavras-chave: Velocidade Cítrica
Teste Vitesse
Teste T-30
T-30 test
Vitesse test
Critical Speed
Data do documento: 2007
Editor: Exercito Brasileiro
Citação: SILVA, S. F. et al. Comparação de método invasivo e não invasivo para determinação da velocidade crítica em nadadores. Revista de Educação Física, Rio de Janeiro, n. 136, p. 28-35, mar. 2007.
Resumo: Swimming is one of he most practiced sports in allBrazilian territory.So, the control of training inside the competitive swimming is necessary to have a solid output and to obtain expected results, either by coaches or athletes. The T-30 test is one of the ways to control training, being a non-invasive test. Another test that is now a lot used is the Vitesse, which evaluates the limits of lactate. As of these information,thepresentworkaims tostudybothtests,attempting to identify the critical speed of swimmers, checking whether or not these tests have differences in relation to the critical speed described in m/s, and attimeinseconds,in100meters.Eightmentookpart in the study, average age 21,6 ± 2,97, competitive swimming experience of 9,37 ± 2,50 years. To the Vitessetest,theindividualsrealizedonlyoneoutofthe series, regarding each swimmer style. The T-30 testwas realized two days after the first test, consisting of swimming as far as possible in 30 minutes or swimming 3000 meters in less than 30 minutes. To provestatistically,itwasusedthenon-parametric test of Wilcoxon with the comparison of averages and p ≤ 0,05.Theoutcomesdemonstratedthattherewas no significant difference between the tests, neither in relation to critical speed, expressed in m/s, nor in relation to the limit of lactate to 100 meters, criterion totheprescriptionoftrainingat swimming.Thus,both tests are efficient to identify the critical speed and the limitsoflactateinswimmingconsideringexperienced speed swimmers.
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