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Título: Os redesenhos socioeducacionais na presença, no trabalho e na representação de mulheres negras em um cine-eduformativo
Título(s) alternativo(s): Socioeducational redesigns in the presence, work and representation of black women in educational and formative cinema
Autores: Oliveira, Luiz Fernando de
Oliveira, Luiz Fernando de
Assis, Eliasaf Rodrigues de
Walter, Fernanda Omelczuk
Palavras-chave: Educação pelo cinema
Ensino audiovisual
Cinema educativo
Cineastas negras
Desigualdades socioeducacionais
Cinema in education
Audiovisual pedagogy
Educational cinema
Black female filmmakers
Socioeducational inequalities
Data do documento: 13-Fev-2025
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: OLIVEIRA, Dalila Auxiliadora Garcia de. Os redesenhos socioeducacionais na presença, no trabalho e na representação de mulheres negras em um cine-eduformativo. 2025. 72 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Resumo: This qualitative research delves into the field of Sociology of Education through a microsociological lens, engaging in dialogue with Sociology and the Sociology of Art. It investigates how cinematographic works by Black female filmmakers can serve as didactic and pedagogical tools, facilitating the inclusion of educational, political, historical, and sociocultural themes in classroom practices and other educational contexts. The study examines Black women’s movements and Black cinema from a female perspective, guided by the work of Edileuza Penha de Souza, while also drawing on Rosália Duarte’s Bourdieusian-based research to explore the intersection of Black cinema and education. The methodology combines bibliographic research, literature review in Black cinema and education, film analysis, and the development of an educational proposal. The findings aim to demonstrate how the narratives of Black female filmmakers can become powerful tools in the teaching-learning process, offering Black female students and educators opportunities to engage with themes that reflect their lived experiences and contribute to their professional growth in education.
Aparece nas coleções:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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