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Title: Programa Bolsa Verde de pagamento por serviços ambientais em Minas Gerais sob a ótica dos (as) beneficiários (as)
Other Titles: Bolsa Verde payment program for environmental services in Minas Gerais from the perspective of the beneficiaries
Authors: Campos, Ana Luiza Garcia
Pereira, Viviane Santos
Frasson, Caroline Medeiros Rocha
Chiodi, Rafael Eduardo
Keywords: Pagamento por serviços ambientais
Programa Bolsa Verde
Serviços ambientais
Sustentabilidade rural
Avaliação de políticas públicas
Agricultura familiar
Conservação ambiental
Payment for environmental services
Bolsa Verde Program
Environmental services
Rural sustainability
Public policy assessment
Family farming
Environmental conservation
Issue Date: 9-Sep-2024
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: BOTELHO, Tatiana Pires. Programa Bolsa Verde de pagamento por serviços ambientais em Minas Gerais sob a ótica dos (as) beneficiários (as). 2024. 153p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Extensão) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Abstract: The concept of Environmental Services - ES, which represents human activities that favor the maintenance, recovery or improvement of ecosystem services, grounds the policies of Payment for Environmental Services - PES, a very important economic instrument for the development of rural territories. An example of a PES policy in the state of Minas Gerais is the Bolsa Verde-BV Program, which aims to remunerate landowners/squatters who conserve areas with native vegetation. The purpose of this research is to seek to deepen the knowledge of how BV is perceived by some beneficiaries in the southern region of Minas Gerais, through a case study with interviews, based on an evaluation of public policy taking into account some relevant points, such as political, environmental and socioeconomic aspects for the result of this policy. Among the main results, it was identified how much the interviewees valued this political initiative of recognizing the important service provided by rural producers in preserving the natural areas contained in their properties/possessions, it was possible to realize how important it is for the interviewees the financial help received through the program, which even with all the problems it faced such as delays, lack of payment and low remuneration amounts, is still considered essential for the producers interviewed, who yearn for its continuity and expansion. The issue of the program also enabling a considerable gain in the participants' environmental awareness was another frequently mentioned item. Some of the findings that we can highlight refer to the need to improve the generation of program monitoring information, in a clear and precise way, which should be generated proactively, in accordance with the recommendations of the transparency law so that social monitoring of the program is effectively carried out. It was identified that the absolute majority of interviewers suffered from delays in their payments. No high number of beneficiaries were identified who presented difficulties in presenting the documents required by the program, with only three interviewees citing pending documents after the start of the program, in specific cases, such as the death of the holder, due to example, and registrations carried out incorrectly. The issue frequently cited unanimously by interviewees regarding ease of access to the program was linked to the actions of a local entity, showing the importance of support from the third sector in implementing the policy.
Appears in Collections:Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Extensão - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertação)

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