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Título: Ciências e culturas descolonizadoras: análise de uma aproximação entre o PIBID e a disciplina de pós-graduação em educação científica e ambiental
Título(s) alternativo(s): Decolonizing sciences and cultures: analysis of na approximation between PIBID and the graduate discipline in science and environmental education
Autores: Nascimento Junior, Antonio Fernandes
Oliveira, Emerson Ferreira de
Ribeiro, Laise Vieira Gonçalves
Palavras-chave: Povos Indígenas
Educação Descolonizadora
Formação de Professores
Cultura Indígena
Diálogo Intercultural
Indigenous Peoples
Decolonizing Education
Teacher Training
Indigenous Culture
Intercultural Dialogue
Data do documento: 28-Ago-2024
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: FERREIRA, Paloma Martins. Ciências e culturas descolonizadoras: análise de uma aproximação entre o PIBID e a disciplina de pós-graduação em educação científica e ambiental. 2024. 89p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Científica e Ambiental) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Resumo: The Brazilian population presents a great sociocultural diversity, resulting from the miscegenation between different ethnicities, such as African, indigenous and European. However, a hegemonic model has prevailed in society, which overvalues the dominant cultures, while the others are silenced and omitted. Indigenous peoples face this problem, since their culture is silenced and not recognized by society. This oppression that these people suffer is reflected in the school environment, since this theme is not much discussed and When it is done, it is promoted in a superficial and fragmented way. This happens due to the difficulties that teachers find to promote discussions in this context. Therefore, it is essential to reflect on the initial training of teachers. In this sense, this work aims to analyze the contributions of the dialogue between aspects of indigenous culture and the initial training of teachers from the activities developed in the discipline Sciences and Decolonizing Cultures by the students participating in the Pibid of the degree course in Biological Sciences at the Federal University. For this, this study used a qualitative research approach and involved the participation of sixteen students. These students participated in a postgraduate course and at the end they developed an activity with the objective of establishing a dialogue between the culture of indigenous peoples and the teaching of science and biology. After the development of this activity, the students made reports addressing the contributions of this practice to the initial training of teachers. Thus, the data obtained through these reports will be analyzed through content analysis and categorization as proposed by Minayo. It was possible to organize the data into four categories, namely, enriching training, relevance to history and culture, appreciation of dialogue and struggle and resistance of indigenous peoples. Thus, through the results, we were able to see how important the rapprochement between Pibid and the subject Sciences and Decolonizing Cultures was for initial teacher training.
Aparece nas coleções:Educação Científica e Ambiental - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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