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Título: Pressupostos pedagógicos da filosofia da libertação no pensamento de Freire e Dussel
Título(s) alternativo(s): Pedagogical assumptions of the philosophy of liberation in proposed by Freire and Dussel
Autores: Barbosa, Vanderlei
Borges, Regilson Maciel
Bortoleto, Edivaldo José
Palavras-chave: Enrique Dussel
Formação de Professores
Paulo Freire
Práxis de Libertação
Teacher Training
Praxis of Liberation
Data do documento: 19-Jul-2023
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: SILVA, Lessandro Justino da. Pressupostos pedagógicos da filosofia da libertação no pensamento de Freire e Dussel. 2023. 109 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Resumo: This thesis aimed to discuss the pedagogical assumptions of the philosophy of liberation as proposed by Freire and Dussel. Specifically, the work sought to present the path taken by the student in relation to studies until entering the Master's Degree course at Universidade de Lavras (UFLA) and the reasons for the affinity with the works of Freire and Dussel; to explain the different events that cooperated to the formation of an attitude of resistence when faced with the injustices that, in turn, collaborated to the emergence of perspectives of liberation; to present the pedagogical assumptions of the Philosophy of Liberation as proposed by Freire and Dussel, which contributed to pedagogical practices rooted in alterity leading to liberation. To complete this thesis, a literature review, in order to analyze the works of Freire and Dussel and works produced in Brazil that sought to establish a relationship of the thought of the two authors, were used. The research was relevant in the current scenario of Brazilian education from the following problematization: What are the contributions of Freire and Dussel to a praxis able to break with the logic of domination and help the learner build a better world? In order to help systematize this issue, the following were employed as fundamental theoretical references: Freire and Dussel, Boufleuer, Cintra, Darcy Ribeiro, Eduardo Galeano, Gustavo Gutiérrez, Leonardo Boff, RighiDamke, Santa Clara, Streck, and others. Therefore, the need to overcome the systems that tend to keep society alienated and establish the formation of a critical and situated pedagogical consciousness, capable of freeing itself and the world, can be highlighted. In addition, a relevant result of this dissertation is in the final product, a series of lectures, together with the MOSAICO research group, at UFLA, which tried to understand the formative ideologies, the interests they aim to meet, and to contribute to a reflection on the praxis of liberation and its importance in the process of teacher training. In this way, it provided a discussion on the relevance of both Freire and Dussel to the awareness that a praxis of liberation is possible.
Aparece nas coleções:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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