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Título: Custo de produção de fêmeas bovinas leiteiras durante as fases de cria e de recria: um estudo de caso
Palavras-chave: Bovinocultura de leite
Bovino leiteiro - Criação
Custos de produção
Dairy Cattle
Dairy Cattle - Breeding
Production costs
Data do documento: 2018
Editor: Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
Citação: REIS, E. M. B. et al. Custo de produção de fêmeas bovinas leiteiras durante as fases de cria e de recria: um estudo de caso. Medicina Veterinária (UFRPE), Recife, v. 12, n. 1, p.37-45, jan./mar. 2018.
Resumo: The aim was to calculate the production cost of Holstein cows in the weaning (42 animals) and post-weaning (59 animals) phases and to identify the components that have the greatest influence on the final operation costs (effective operating cost - COE and total operating cost-COT) of the activity. The data were collected on a dairy farm located in Ijaci, in the South of Minas Gerais, during the months of March to June, 2014. To calculate the total operational cost (COT), all the effective operational expenses were considered, as well as the depreciation of facilities and equipment. The COT during the growing phase was R$571,03, while for the rearing phase, it was R$ 6,606. The components and items, respectively, which exerted greater emphasis on weaning costs were, in descending order, food, semen, and labor. For post-weaning, they were, in descending order, food, labor, and procurement of calves. It is concluded that, in these conditions, breeding and rearing was economically viable since the selling price is less than the effective operating cost.
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