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dc.creatorMarques, Deyvid Novaes-
dc.creatorNogueira, Marina Lima-
dc.creatorGaziola, Salete Aparecida-
dc.creatorBatagin-Piotto, Katherine Derlene-
dc.creatorFreitas, Natália Chagas-
dc.creatorAlcantara, Berenice Kussumoto-
dc.creatorPaiva, Luciano Vilela-
dc.creatorMason, Chase-
dc.creatorPiotto, Fernando Angelo-
dc.creatorAzevedo, Ricardo Antunes-
dc.identifier.citationMARQUES, D. N. et al. New insights into cadmium tolerance and accumulation in tomato: dissecting root and shoot responses using cross-genotype grafting. Environmental Research, [S.l.], v. 216, Part 2, Jan. 2023.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractCadmium (Cd) is one of the most threatening soil and water contaminants in agricultural settings. In previous studies, we observed that Cd affects the metabolism and physiology of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants even after short-term exposure. The objective of this research was to use cross-genotype grafting to distinguish between root- and shoot-mediated responses of tomato genotypes with contrasting Cd tolerance at the early stages of Cd exposure. This study provides the first report of organ-specific contributions in two tomato genotypes with contrasting Cd tolerance: Solanum lycopersicum cv. Calabash Rouge and Solanum lycopersicum cv. Pusa Ruby (which have been classified and further characterized as sensitive (S) and tolerant (T) to Cd, respectively). Scion S was grafted onto rootstock S (S/S) and rootstock T (S/T), and scion T was grafted onto rootstock T (T/T) and rootstock S (T/S). A 35 μM cadmium chloride (CdCl2) treatment was used for stress induction in a hydroponic system. Both shoot and root contributions to Cd responses were observed, and they varied in a genotype- and/or organ-dependent manner for nutrient concentrations, oxidative stress parameters, antioxidant enzymes, and transporters gene expression. The findings overall provide evidence for the dominant role of the tolerant rootstock system in conferring reduced Cd uptake and accumulation. The lowest leaf Cd concentrations were observed in T/T (215.11 μg g−1 DW) and S/T (235.61 μg g−1 DW). Cadmium-induced decreases in leaf dry weight were observed only in T/S (−8.20%) and S/S (−13.89%), which also were the only graft combinations that showed decreases in chlorophyll content (−3.93% in T/S and −4.05% in S/S). Furthermore, the results show that reciprocal grafting is a fruitful approach for gaining insights into the organ-specific modulation of Cd tolerance and accumulation during the early stages of Cd exposure.pt_BR
dc.sourceEnvironmental Researchpt_BR
dc.subjectCadmium mitigationpt_BR
dc.subjectEnvironmental researchpt_BR
dc.subjectEnzymatic antioxidantpt_BR
dc.subjectHeavy metalpt_BR
dc.subjectOxidative stress tolerancept_BR
dc.subjectSolanum lycopersicumpt_BR
dc.titleNew insights into cadmium tolerance and accumulation in tomato: dissecting root and shoot responses using cross-genotype graftingpt_BR
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