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Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 101 para 120 de 346
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
15-Nov-2015Discreteness induced extinctionSantos, Renato Vieira dos; Silva, Linaena Méricy da
Jul-2014Kinetically-driven frustration in hybrid spin laddersCarvalho, R. C. P.; Pereira, M. S. S.; Lyra, M. L.; Rojas, O.; Strečka, J.
2014On the particle-hole symmetry of the fermionic spinless Hubbard model in D=1Thomaz, M. T.; Silva, E. V. Corrêa; Rojas, O.
6-Jun-2014Magnetic, thermal, and entanglement properties of a distorted Ising-Hubbard diamond chainNalbandyan, Mikayel; Lazaryan, Hrachya; Rojas, Onofre; Souza, Sergio Martins de; Ananikian, Nerses
7-Mar-2014Magnetization non-rational quasi-plateau and spatially modulated spin order in the model of the single-chain magnet, [{(CuL) 2Dy}{Mo(CN) 8}]·2CH3CN·H2OBellucci, Stefano; Ohanyan, Vadim; Rojas, Onofre
3-Jul-2013Thermal entanglement in an orthogonal dimer-plaquette chain with alternating Ising-Heisenberg couplingPaulinelli, H. G.; Souza, S. M. de; Rojas, Onofre
3-Mai-2013Interplay between spin frustration and thermal entanglement in the exactly solved Ising-Heisenberg tetrahedral chainRojas, Onofre; Strečka, Jozef; Lyra, Marcelo L.
28-Fev-2014Magnetization process, bipartite entanglement, and enhanced magnetocaloric effect of the exactly solved spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg tetrahedral chainStrečka, Jozef; Rojas, Onofre; Verkholyak, Taras; Lyra, Marcelo L.
2012The high-temperature expansion of the classical Ising model with S_{z}^{2} termThomaz, M. T.; Rojas, O.
25-Mai-2012Equivalence between non-bilinear spin-S Ising model and Wajnflasz modelRojas, O.; Souza, S. M. de
21-Jun-2012Geometrical frustration of an extended Hubbard diamond chain in the quasiatomic limitRojas, Onofre; Souza, S. M. de; Ananikian, N. S.
1-Fev-2012Bijection between spin S=pm-1/2 and a cluster of M spins σ=p-1/2Izmailian, N. Sh.; Rojas, Onofre; Souza, S. M. de
25-Mai-2012Thermal entanglement of a spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model on a symmetrical diamond chainAnanikian, N. S.; Ananikyan, L. N.; Chakhmakhchyan, L. A.; Rojas, Onofre
8-Fev-2012Spontaneous distortion in the spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model on decorated planar lattices with a magnetoelastic couplingStrečka, J.; Rojas, O.; Souza, S. M. de
2-Jan-2012Spin-phonon coupling induced frustration in the exactly solved spin-1/2 Ising model on a decorated planar latticeStrečka, Jozef; Rojas, Onofre; Souza, S. M. de
23-Set-2011A frustrated three-dimensional antiferromagnet: stacked J1-J2 layersRojas, Onofre; Hamer, C. J.; Oitmaa, J.
2011Qualitative comparison of the thermodynamics of Mn12-ac and Fe8 molecule magnets for dβ ~ 0.031Thomaz, M. T.; Rojas, O.; Corrêa-Silva, E. V.
11-Mai-2011Direct algebraic mapping transformation for decorated spin modelsRojas, Onofre; Souza, S. M. de
29-Mar-2011Exactly solvable mixed-spin Ising-Heisenberg diamond chain with biquadratic interactions and single-ion anisotropyRojas, Onofre; Souza, S. M. de; Ohanyan, Vadim; Khurshudyan, Martiros
7-Mar-2011Spinless fermion model on diamond chainRojas, Onofre; Souza, S. M. de
Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 101 para 120 de 346