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Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 41 para 60 de 2234
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
2023Physical mapping of ribosomal DNA sites and genome size in polyploid series of Urochloa humidicola (Rendle) Morrone & Zuloaga (Poaceae)Damasceno, Ana Gabriela; Ferreira, Marco Túlio Mendes; Soares, Isadora Cardoso; Barrios, Sanzio Carvalho Lima; Valle, Cacilda Borges do; Techio, Vânia Helena
Abr-2023Both male and female meiosis contribute to non-Mendelian inheritance of parental chromosomes in interspecific plant hybrids (Lolium × Festuca)Majka, Joanna; Glombik, Marek; Doležalová, Alžběta; Kneřová, Jana; Ferreira, Marco Tulio Mendes; Zwierzykowski, Zbigniew; Duchoslav, Martin; Studer, Bruno; Doležel, Jaroslav; Bartoš, Jan; Kopecký, David
Ago-2023Translocation and long-term monitoring of threatened thin-spined porcupines (Chaetomys subspinosus) on the Brazilian coastMelo-Dias, Mateus; Rocha, Mariana F.; Dalfior, Izabelle C. D.; Bissa, Luan; Marcial, Thiago; Secco, Helio; Passamani, Marcelo; Rosa, Clarissa
2023Local and landscape contrasts of the occurrence of native and invasive marmosets in the Atlantic forest biomeGestich, Carla Cristina; Souza, Geanne Conceição de; Rosa, Clarissa; Passamani, Marcelo; Hasui, Érica; Cunha, Rogério Grassetto Teixeira da
Set-2023First record of the bush dog Speothos venaticus in the Atlantic Forest of Minas Gerais, BrazilSoto-Werschitz, Alejandra; Mandujano, Salvador; Passamani, Marcelo
2023Phylomitogenomics reveals mito-nuclear concordance in social wasps: the performance of mitochondrial markers and gene order for hymenopteran systematicMenezes, Rodolpho S. T.; Noll, Fernando B.; Aragão, Marcos; Hermes, Marcel G.; Brady, Seán G.
Set-2023Simplification effect of lead soil contamination on the structure and function of a food web of plant-associated insectsMorales-Silva, Tiago; Silva, Bruna C.; Silva, Victor H. D.; Faria, Lucas Del Bianco
2023Human presence as a determinant of the occurrence of mammals in a high diversity protected area of Cerrado-Caatinga ecotone in BrazilPereira, Adriele A.; Rosa, Clarissa; Faria, Lucas Del Bianco; Silva, Lucas G. da; Passamani, Marcelo
Dez-2023Description of the herbivore and natural enemy community associated with the seeds of an invasive plant in BrazilOliveira, Tamires Camila Talamonte de; Brandão-Dias, Pedro Ferreira Pinto; Egan, Scott Patrick; Morales-Silva, Tiago; Zaldívar-Riverón, Alejandro; Silva, Victor Hugo Duarte da; Oliveira, Gabriella Melo; Faria, Lucas Del Bianco
2023Climatic, geographic and anthropogenic factors shape the structure of bat-fruit networks in the Neotropical regionLigo, Ana Beatriz; Laurindo, Rafael de Souza; Faria, Lucas Del Bianco; Gregorin, Renato
2023The influence of non-native invertebrate species in the food web structure of two Neotropical reservoirsRosa, Daniel Melo; Monteiro, Angelo Barbosa; Faria, Lucas Del Bianco; Pompeu, Paulo Santos
Set-2023Tropical savanna conversion to exotic pastures negatively affects taxonomic and functional diversity of dung beetle assemblages, but not dung removalMaciel, Rafaella; Braga, Rodrigo Fagundes; Carvalho, Raquel L.; Louzada, Júlio; Slade, Eleanor M.
Jun-2023Sparing old-growth maximises conservation outcomes within selectively logged Amazonian rainforestCerullo, Gianluca; França, Filipe; Finch, Tom; Erm, Philip; Griffiths, Hannah; Louzada, Julio; Bousfield, Chris G.; Massam, Mike R.; Peres, Carlos A.; Barlow, Jos; Green, Rhys E.; Edwards, David P.; Balmford, Andrew
Abr-2023Bait attractiveness changes community metrics in dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)Bach, Andressa; Mateus, Lúcia A. F.; Peres, Carlos A.; Haugaasen, Torbjørn; Louzada, Julio; Hawes, Joseph E.; Azevedo, Renato A.; Lucena, Emanuelly F.; Ferreira, José Victor A.; Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z.
Mar-2023Breeding for drought tolerance in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum [Schreb.] Darbysh.) by exploring genotype by environment by management interactionsFernandes Filho, Claudio C.; Andrade, Mario H. Murad Leite; Nunes, Jose A. Rodrigues; Wipff, Joseph; Hignight, Debra L.; Rios, Esteban F.; Kenworthy, Kevin; Hignight, Kenneth
-What are the consequences of clonal integration for floral traits and reproductive investment of a broadly distributed aquatic plant?Demetrio, Guilherme Ramos; Coelho, Flávia de Freitas
2023Cryopreservation of Genipa americana seedsSouza, Rafaela Ribeiro de; Paiva, Patrícia Duarte de Oliveira; Freitas, Rodrigo Therezan de; Silva, Diogo Pedrosa Corrêa da; Reis, Michele Valquíria dos; Nery, Fernanda Carlota; Paiva, Renato
2023Influence of seasonal variation to the population growth and ecophysiology of Typha domingensis (Typhaceae)Cruz, Yasmini da Cunha; Scarpa, Ana Lívia Martins; Díaz, Alejandro Sandria; Pereira, Marcio Paulo; Castro, Evaristo Mauro de; Pereira, Fabricio José
2023Contrasting leaf intercellular space development in sorghum and maize modulates different tolerance capacity to water limitationOliveira, Jean Paulo Vitor de; Duarte, Vinícius Politi; Castro, Evaristo Mauro de; Magalhães, Paulo Cesar; Pereira, Fabricio José
Set-2023Budding of ascospores in colletorichum lindemuthianumMartins, Ana Carolina Faria; Dias, Mariana Andrade; Pereira, Fernanda Aparecida Castro; Mendes-Costa, Maria Cristina; Souza, Elaine Aparecida de
Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 41 para 60 de 2234