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Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 1061 para 1080 de 2237
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
Set-2015Metodología para la propuesta de caudales ecológicos en función de restricciones ambientales y de gestiónSoares, Laura; Santos, Hersília; Martínez-Capel, Francisco; Callisto, Marcos; Tupinambás, Taynan; Castro, Diego; França, Juliana; Pompeu, Paulo; Sampaio, Francisco; Gandini, Cíntia; Lopes, João Victor; Alves, Carlos
Dez-2015Habitat structure determining the spatial distribution of ichthyofauna in a Brazilian streamCarvalho, Débora Reis de; Casarim, Ruanny; Pereira, Rafaela Bastos; Pompeu, Paulo Santos
24-Jul-2014Large reservoirs as ecological barriers to downstream movements of Neotropical migratory fishPelicice, Fernando M.; Pompeu, Paulo S.; Agostinho, Angelo A.
Ago-2015Downstream fish passage: the new challenge of the hydropower sector for the conservation of the Brazilian fish faunaPompeu, Paulo S.; Suzuki, Fábio M.; Prado, Ivo G.; Souza, Rafael C. R.
4-Jul-2015Integrative taxonomy detects cryptic and overlooked fish species in a neotropical river basinGomes, Laís Carvalho; Pessali, Tiago Casarim; Sales, Naiara Guimarães; Pompeu, Paulo Santos; Carvalho, Daniel Cardoso
23-Set-2015Isotopic variation in five species of stream fishes under the influence of different land usesCarvalho, D. R.; Castro, D.; Callisto, M.; Moreira, M. Z.; Pompeu, P. S.
Jun-2015Seasonal and diel changes in fish distribution in a tropical hydropower plant tailrace: evidence from hydroacoustic and gillnet samplingLoures, R. C.; Pompeu, P. S.
15-Mai-2015Asymmetry compensation in a small vampire bat population in a cave: a case study in BrazilUeti, Amanda; Pompeu, Paulo Santos; Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes
16-Jun-2015The stream fish fauna from three regions of the Upper Paraná River basinFagundes, Daniela Cristina; Leal, Cecília Gontijo; Carvalho, Débora Reis de; Junqueira, Nara Tadini; Langeani, Francisco; Pompeu, Paulo dos Santos
Jan-2015Ichthyofauna sampled with tadpoles in northeastern Maranhão state, BrazilMatavelli, Rodrigo; Campos, Aldenise Martins; Vale, João do; Piorski, Nivaldo Magalhães; Pompeu, Paulo dos Santos
Mar-2015Fish stomach contents in benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage assessmentsTupinambás, T. H.; Pompeu, P. S.; Gandini, C. V.; Hughes, R. M.; Callisto, M.
2019Lactic acid bacteria diversity in corn silage produced in Minas Gerais (Brazil)Santos, Andréia de Oliveira dos; Ávila, Carla Luiza da Silva; Soares, Célia; Carvalho, Beatriz Ferreira; Schwan, Rosane Freitas; Lima, Nelson
Set-2019Identification and characterization of yeasts from bovine rumen for potential use as probioticsFernandes, T.; Carvalho, B. F.; Mantovani, H. C.; Schwan, R. F.; Ávila, C. L. S.
Dez-2014The effect of structural enrichment in hatchery tanks on the morphology of two neotropical fish speciesSaraiva, Sarah de Oliveira; Pompeu, Paulo Santos
Dez-2014Hydropeaking effects of on the diet of a neotropical fish communityGandini, Cíntia Veloso; Sampaio, Francisco Alexandre Costa; Pompeu, Paulo Santos
29-Mai-2014The relative influence of catchment and site variables on fish and macroinvertebrate richness in cerrado biome streamsMacedo, Diego R.; Hughes, Robert M.; Ligeiro, Raphael; Ferreira, Wander R.; Castro, Miriam A.; Junqueira, Nara T.; Oliveira, Deborah R.; Firmiano, Kele R.; Kaufmann, Philip R.; Pompeu, Paulo S.; Callisto, Marcos
2014Vertical and seasonal distribution of fish in Três Marias reservoirPrado, Ivo Gavião; Pompeu, Paulo Santos
2014Ichthyofauna of the Sumidouro system, state of Minas Gerais, BrazilCasarim, Ruanny; Carvalho, Débora Reis de; Pereira, Rafaela Bastos; Pompeu, Paulo Santos
Fev-2014Ecomorphology of Astyanax species in streams with different substratesSouza, Marcela A.; Fagundes, Daniela C.; Leal, Cecília G.; Pompeu, Paulo S.
2014Stygichthys typhlops (Teleostei: Characiformes), phreatobic fish from eastern Brazil: comments on Sampaio et al. (2012): a responsePompeu, Paulo Santos; Sampaio, Francisco Alexandre C.; Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes
Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 1061 para 1080 de 2237