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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 95
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2019Recognition of coffee roasting degree using a computer vision systemLeme, Dimas Samid; Silva, Sabrina Alves da; Barbosa, Bruno Henrique Groenner; Borém, Flávio Meira; Pereira, Rosemary Gualberto Fonseca Alvarenga
Jul-2019Detection of power quality disturbance using a multidimensional approach in an embedded systemMendes, Thais Martins; Faria, Euler Rodrigues Souza; Perle, Lucas Aparecido Vizioli; Ribeiro, Eduardo Godinho; Ferreira, Danton Diego; Barbosa, Bruno Henrique Groenner; Duque, Carlos Augusto
-Data clustering based on principal curvesMoraes, Elson Claudio Correa; Ferreira, Danton Diego; Vitor, Giovani Bernardes; Barbosa, Bruno Henrique Groenner
Feb-2019A mobile application for driver's drowsiness monitoring based on PERCLOS estimationSoares, Gabriel; Lima, Danilo de; Miranda Neto, Arthur
2019Analysis of the coffee peel application over the soil-cement bricks propertiesCastro, Eliziane Denize de; Villella, Luciana Silva; Mendes, Lourival Marin; Mendes, Rafael Farinassi; Ribeiro, André Geraldo Cornélio; Guimarães Júnior, José Benedito; Rabelo, Giovanni Francisco
Dec-2019Evolvable fuzzy systems from data streams with missing values: with application to temporal pattern recognition and cryptocurrency predictionGarcia, Cristiano; Esmin, Ahmed; Leite, Daniel; Škrjanc, Igor
2019A note on accidents involving autonomous vehicles: interdependence of event data recorder, human-vehicle cooperation and legal aspectsMartinesco, Andrea; Netto, Mariana; Miranda Neto, Arthur; Etgens, Victor H.
Jan-2018High impedance fault detection in power distribution systems using wavelet transform and evolving neural networkSilva, Sergio; Costa, Pyramo; Gouvea, Maury; Lacerda, Alcyr; Alves, Franciele; Leite, Daniel
2018Evolving neuro-fuzzy network for real-time high impedance fault detection and classificationSilva, Sergio; Costa, Pyramo; Santana, Marcio; Leite, Daniel
Mar-2018Ensemble of evolving data clouds and fuzzy models for weather time series predictionSoares, Eduardo; Costa, Pyramo; Costa, Bruno; Leite, Daniel
Apr-2018A fast in-field coarse alignment and bias estimation method for stationary intermediate-grade imusSilva, Felipe O.; Hemerly, Elder M.; Leite Filho, Waldemar C.; Kuga, Hélio K.
Dec-2018On the measurement selection for stationary sins alignment kalman filtersSilva, Felipe O.; Hemerly, Elder M.; Leite Filho, Waldemar C.
Aug-2018Generalized error analysis of analytical coarse alignment formulations for stationary SINSSilva, Felipe Oliveira e
-New live screening of plant-nematode interactions in the rhizosphereO’Callaghan, Felicity E.; Braga Júnior, Roberto Alves; Neilson, Roy; MacFarlane, Stuart A.; Dupuy, Lionel X.
Apr-2018Early prediction of internal bruising in potatoes by biospeckle laser techniqueCosta, Anderson Gomide; Braga Júnior, Roberto Alves; Vilas Boas, Eduardo V. B.; Risso, Murilo
Dec-2018Diode laser reliability in dynamic laser speckle application: stability and signal to noise ratioGonzález-Peña, Rolando J.; Braga Júnior, Roberto A.; Pujaico-Rivera, Fernando
2018Classification of macaw palm fruits from colorimetric properties for determining the harvest momentCosta, Anderson G.; Pinto, Francisco de A. de C.; Motoike, Sérgio Y.; Braga Júnior, Roberto A.; Gracia, Luis M. Navas
2018A portable dynamic laser speckle system for sensing long-term changes caused by treatments in painting conservationPérez, Alberto J.; González-Peña, Rolando J.; Braga Júnior, Roberto; Perles, Ángel; Pérez-Marín, Eva; García-Diego, Fernando J.
2018Actuator fault estimation and fault tolerant control in three physically-linked 2WD mobile robotsPereira, Daniel A.; Al-Dujaili, Ayad; El Najjar, Maan El Badaoui; Cocquempot, Vincent; Ma, Yajie
Jun-2019Piecewise affine identification of a hydraulic pumping system using evolutionary computationBarbosa, Bruno H. G.; Aguirre, Luis A.; Braga, Antonio P.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 95