Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas - Doutorado (Teses) : [211] Página principal da coleção Visualizar estatísticas

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Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 21 para 40 de 211
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
21-Mar-2022Strategies to improve the efficiency of single-tree plot in eucalyptus breedingSantos, Heloisa Guimarães
8-Fev-2022Associação entre caracteres e seleção de híbridos de sorgo biomassa para produção de bioenergiaLombardi, Gabrielle Maria Romeiro
14-Jan-2022Do the unselected genotypes influence the identification of the best soybean lines with the inbreeding generations?Villela, Gabriel Mendes
23-Dez-2021Strategies aiming greater efficiency in the tobacco breeding programMarques, Thaís Lima
25-Out-2021Genomic prediction and genome-wide association study: an application of quantitative genetics in plant breeding programsDe Jong, Guilherme
7-Out-2021Potential for use of polyploidy in Eucalyptus breeding programsSouza, Thaise da Silva
1-Out-2021Genetic mapping of white mold related traits using Pinto bean RIL populations derived from the USDA-ARS Bean ProgramLopes, Fernanda Souza
15-Set-2021Fenotipagem e expressão gênica para tolerância ao déficit hídrico em milhoVon Pinho, Iolanda Vilela
30-Ago-2021Upland rice breeding for early flowering and high temperature toleranceBerchembrock, Yasmin Vasques
8-Jun-2021Análise dialélica para dry down e qualidade industrial em grãos de milho na segunda safraFriske, Élcio
24-Mai-2021Performance of doubled haploid lines in relation to those obtained by the conventional breeding method in tobaccoLemos, Roxane do Carmo
17-Mai-2021Cytogenetics of native species of Festuca, crossover analyses and chromatid interference in FestuloliumFerreira, Marco Tulio Mendes
17-Mar-2021Challenges in phenotypic data analysis and genomic selection application for maize hybrid prediction in tropical regionsPereira, Francielly de Cássia
26-Jan-2021Efficiency of augmented and double-replicated designs under an array of genetical and spatial scenariosSilva Júnior, Vitor Passos da
19-Jan-2021High throughput ear phenotyping: aplication in sweet cornPinto Junior, Ricardo Andrade
28-Ago-2020Expressão de genes relacionados à apomixa ao longo do desenvolvimento reprodutivo em Urochloa decumbens e Urochloa ruziziensis (Poaceae)Rocha, Mara Jane da
30-Jul-2020Efficacy of gaussian mixture models for genotype selection in coffee beanVieira Junior, Indalecio Cunha
13-Jan-2020Selection strategies and combining ability for agronomic and nutritional traits in Urochloa sppGouveia , Beatriz Tomé
10-Jan-2020New insights on genotypes by environments interaction using geographical coordinatesBernardo Júnior , Luiz Antonio Yanes
19-Dez-2019Statistical modeling and selection efficiency on Urochloa ruziziensis breedingDias, Juliana Andrade
Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 21 para 40 de 211