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Título: O ensino da leitura literária na escola básica: perspectivas e desafios a partir da BNCC
Título(s) alternativo(s): The teaching of literary reading in basic education: prospects and challenges stemming from the BNCC
Palavras-chave: Leitura literária
Escola básica
Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC)
Literary Reading
Basic school
Common National Curriculum Base
Data do documento: Mar-2022
Editor: Universidade de São Paulo
Citação: PORTOLOMEOS, A.; NEPOMUCENO, S. V. R. O ensino da leitura literária na escola básica: perspectivas e desafios a partir da BNCC. Linha D’Água, São Paulo, v. 35, n. 1, p. 4-20, jan./abr. 2022. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2236-4242.v35i1p4-20.
Resumo: Antonio Candido, in the text The right to literature, argues that literary text reading promotes a humanizing experience as the individual tends to become more empathetic in the face of the most different realities. The Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) was approved in 2017, providing teachers guidelines that dialogue with Candido´s positioning. However, it contradicts its guidelines, distancing itself from the understanding of the literary text as aesthetic material. Therefore, this work promotes a discussion on the specificity of text and literary reading that helps the teacher in his/her classroom practice and also reflects on the perspectives and challenges present at BNCC with regard to the teaching of literary reading as a way to promote more emancipatory literature classes.
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