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dc.creatorAbreu, Danilo José Machado de-
dc.creatorCarvalho, Elisângela Elena Nunes-
dc.creatorVilas Boas, Eduardo Valério de Barros-
dc.creatorAsquieri, Eduardo Ramirez-
dc.creatorDamiani, Clarissa-
dc.identifier.citationABREU, D. J. M. de et al. Antioxidant capacity of bioactive compounds from undervaluated red mombin seed (Spondias purpurea L.) affected by different drying stages. ACS Food Science & Technology, [S.I.], v. 1, p. 707-716, 2021. DOI:
dc.description.abstractThe present study evaluated the effects of thermal treatment on the physical, nutritional, and antinutritional characteristics of Brazilian red mombin seeds (Spondias purpurea L.), which were divided into three batches: in natura, dried, and roasted. When under moderate (50 °C) and high (130 °C) heat, the parameters evaluated were influenced by the drying process with heat positively impacting the variables studied by reducing water content in the food matrix. This allowed an increment of nutrients and phenolic compounds, identified using HPLC-DAD/UV–vis, and of vitamin C and total carotenoids, which may have contributed to the antioxidant capacity of the seeds. Considering the parameters evaluated in this study, roasted red mombin seeds are the best form of consumption for its high content of dietary fiber (85.27 g·100–1), vitamin C (122.71 g·100–1), and catechin (29.23 mg·100g–1). In addition to the preservation of nutritional characteristics, the roasting process allowed reducing and/or eliminating antinutritional components as a 60% reduction in the value of the trypsin inhibitor.pt_BR
dc.publisherAmerican Chemical Societypt_BR
dc.sourceACS Food Science & Technologypt_BR
dc.subjectThermal processingpt_BR
dc.subjectPhenolic compoundspt_BR
dc.subjectAgricultural and industrial wastept_BR
dc.subjectPhysical analysespt_BR
dc.subjectProcessamento térmicopt_BR
dc.subjectCompostos fenólicospt_BR
dc.subjectResíduos agrícolas e industriaispt_BR
dc.titleAntioxidant capacity of bioactive compounds from undervaluated red mombin seed (Spondias purpurea L.) affected by different drying stagespt_BR
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