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dc.creatorCastro, Isabela Coelho de-
dc.creatorPequito, Danielle Cristina Tonello-
dc.creatorBorghetti, Gina-
dc.creatorYamaguchi, Adriana Aya-
dc.creatorBrito, Gleisson Alisson Pereira de-
dc.creatorYamazaki, Ricardo Key-
dc.creatorPôrto, Laura Cristina Jardim-
dc.creatorCoimbra, Terezila Machado-
dc.creatorFernandes, Luiz Claudio-
dc.creatorFernandez, Ricardo-
dc.identifier.citationCASTRO, I. C. de et al. Obesity-like metabolic effects of high-carbohydrate or high-fat diets consumption in metabolic and renal functions. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, [S.l.], 2021.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractPresent study investigated which diet, high-carbohydrate (HCD) or high-fat (HFD), most effectively induces classical characteristics of obesity in mice. Mice were fed commercial chow (control), an HCD, or an HFD for 12 weeks. HFD and HCD increased body weight, fat mass, and glycaemia, whereas the HFD augmented insulinemia. In the kidney, the HFD caused albuminuria, and reductions in fractional Na+ excretion, Thromboxane B2 (TXB2) excretion, and urinary flow, whereas the HCD reduced glomerular filtration, plasma osmolality, and TXB2 and Prostaglandin E2 excretion. The consumption of HFD and HCD modified parameters that indicate histopathological changes, such as proliferation (proliferating-cell-nuclear antigen), inflammation (c-Jun N-terminal-protein), and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (vimentin, and desmin) in renal tissue, but the HCD group presents fewer signals of glomerular hypertrophy or tubule degeneration. In summary, the HCD generated the metabolic and renal changes required for an obesity model, but with a delay in the development of these modifications concerning the HFD.pt_BR
dc.publisherTaylor and Francis Onlinept_BR
dc.sourceArchives of Physiology and Biochemistrypt_BR
dc.subjectRenal functionpt_BR
dc.subjectHigh-fat dietpt_BR
dc.subjectEpithelial-mesenchymal transitionpt_BR
dc.titleObesity-like metabolic effects of high-carbohydrate or high-fat diets consumption in metabolic and renal functionspt_BR
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