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dc.creatorCardoso, Mauro Guilherme Barros-
dc.creatorTrento, Marcus Vinicius Cardoso-
dc.creatorCesar, Pedro Henrique Souza-
dc.creatorMarcussi, Silvana-
dc.creatorCardoso, Patrícia Gomes-
dc.identifier.citationCARDOSO, M. G. B. et al. Metabolites from Induratia spp. modulating key enzymes in human hemostasis. Archives of Microbiology, [S.l.], v. 204, n. 27, Dec. 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s00203-021-02682-z.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractInduratia spp. fungi have been poorly evaluated for their non-volatile secondary metabolites. In the present work, we evaluated the effects of non-volatile secondary metabolites released into the culture medium by Induratia spp. upon toxic alterations induced by Bothrops spp. venoms. B. atrox venom phospholipase was inhibited by Induratia spp. around 12 and 16%. The extracts of the two strains inhibited 12–25% of the hemolysis induced by B.moojeni venom. Thrombolysis was inhibited by 30–60% by the compounds present in both extracts. The coagulation induced by B. moojeni venom was prolonged by 26–41 s by the action of the extracts of I. coffeana. The fungal extracts did not exert any cytotoxic effect, nor did they induce any alteration in the other evaluated substrates show the potential use of non-volatile metabolites produced by the fungi evaluated as enzyme modulators, especially for proteases with a fundamental role in human hemostasis.pt_BR
dc.sourceArchives of Microbiologypt_BR
dc.subjectEndophytic fungipt_BR
dc.subjectMuscodor spp.pt_BR
dc.subjectSecondary metabolitespt_BR
dc.subjectBothrops spp.pt_BR
dc.titleMetabolites from Induratia spp. modulating key enzymes in human hemostasispt_BR
Appears in Collections:DQI - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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