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dc.creatorAssis, Letícia Rodrigues de-
dc.creatorCalijuri, Maria Lúcia-
dc.creatorAssemany, Paula Peixoto-
dc.creatorSilva, Thiago Abrantes-
dc.creatorTeixeira, Jamily Santos-
dc.identifier.citationASSIS, L. R. de et al. Innovative hybrid system for wastewater treatment: High-rate algal ponds for effluent treatment and biofilm reactor for biomass production and harvesting. Journal of Environmental Management, London, v. 274, 111183, 15 Nov. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111183.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe use of algal biomass still faces challenges associated with the harvesting stages. To address this issue, we propose an innovative hybrid system, in which a biofilm reactor (BR) operates as an algal biomass production and harvesting unit connected to a high-rate algal pond (HRAP), a wastewater treatment unit. BR did not interfered with the biomass chemical composition (protein = 32%, carbohydrates = 11% and total lipids = 18%), with the wastewater treatment (removals efficiency: chemical oxygen demand = 59%, ammonia nitrogen = 78%, total phosphorus = 16% and Escherichia coli = 1 log unit), and did not alter the sedimentation characteristics of the biomass (sludge volume index = 29 mg/L and humidity content = 92%) in the secondary settling tank of the hybrid system. On the other hand, the results showed that this technology achieved a biomass production about 2.6x greater than the conventional system without a BR, and the efficiency of harvesting of the hybrid system was 61%, against 22% obtained with the conventional system. In addition, the BR promoted an increase in the density (~1011 org/m2) and diversity of microalgae in the hybrid system. Chlorella vulgaris was the most abundant species (>60%) from the 4th week of operation until the end of the experiment. Hence, results confirm that the integration of BR into a wastewater treatment plant optimised the production and harvesting of biomass of the hybrid system, making it a promising technology. The importance of economic and environmental analysis studies of BR is highlighted in order to enable its implementation on a large scale.pt_BR
dc.sourceJournal of Environmental Managementpt_BR
dc.subjectAlgal biofilmpt_BR
dc.subjectAttached growthpt_BR
dc.subjectDomestic sewagept_BR
dc.subjectSecondary settling tankpt_BR
dc.subjectBiofilme de algaspt_BR
dc.subjectCrescimento anexadopt_BR
dc.subjectEsgoto domésticopt_BR
dc.subjectTanque de sedimentação secundáriopt_BR
dc.titleInnovative hybrid system for wastewater treatment: High-rate algal ponds for effluent treatment and biofilm reactor for biomass production and harvestingpt_BR
Appears in Collections:DRH - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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